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6 years later

"Choi Y/N, you look very tired again." Yena noticed as she walked into the police office and saw Y/N almost falling asleep. 

"Don't even ask. Nayeon woke me up at freaking 3am because she wanted me to get ice cream for her. I don't get it, how can she have so many cravings?" Y/N sighed. The couple got married about 4 years ago. Y/N was only 21 when they got married. Some people thought that she was too young to get married, but she wanted to start a family as soon as possible. Besides she knew she was going to get married to Nayeon anyways, so why wait longer? 

"You know Y/N, you're usually very smart but right now you're being very dumb." Eunbi chuckled.

"Why's that?"

"Isn't it obvious? You're spoiling her, that's why she's being like this. She likes the attention you're giving her." 

"Exactly. You're so whipped that even when you're tired you'd do anything for her." Yena added.

"She's pregnant, I have to take care of her. Besides when I complain or say that I won't do it, she starts crying. Her mood swings are abnormal." Y/N shook her head. 

"When was the last time you two just had time for yourselves?" Eunbi questioned.

"I don't know. It's been a while." Ever since the two had a child, they've been pretty busy. Yes, they have a child. They have a three year old son named Dowon and Nayeon is pregnant right now meaning that the second one is on it's way.

"Don't you think that's the reason why she's acting like this? It's the only way she can grab your attention since you're working all the time." Yena asked. After Y/N graduated from the police academy she became an officer just like she said she would. Yena and Eunbi joined her in doing that and the three have become pretty good friends. 

"You have a point. She wasn't like this the first time she got pregnant." Y/N remembered.

"Let me take this call." Y/N said when her phone rang.

"Yes, Jihyo unnie?"

"Y/N! Come to the hospital now! Nayeon unnie's water broke!" Jihyo yelled startling Y/N.

"W-what? Which hospital??" Y/N stood up.

"The one near your apartment."

"I'm coming!" Y/N wasn't expecting for Nayeon's water to break so soon. The due date is actually in two weeks. Guess the baby can't wait to be born.

"What's going on?" Eunbi worried.

"Nayeon's water broke. I need to go to the hospital. Can you guys take care of my shift?" 

"Of course, go go!!" Yena pushed the girl slightly and Y/N ran outside and went to the hospital as fast as she could.

"I'm looking for Im Nayeon. She's going to give birth." Y/N said out of breath to the woman at the lobby of the hospital.

"Room 424."

"Thank you." Y/N ran towards the room.

"Y/N!" Jihyo yelled with Dowon in her arms and Y/N immediately approached them.

"Is she inside?" 

"Yeah, you should go in." Jihyo suggested.

"Dowon-ah, stay with your aunt Jihyo yeah?" Y/N patted her son's head and went inside the room. Nayeon was yelling and Y/N could tell she was having a hard time.

"Babe, I'm here." Y/N held her hands.

"Y/N?" By seeing her wife the older woman calmed down a bit.

"I need you to push harder, Nayeon-ssi." The nurse said and Nayeon pushed harder.

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