Chapter 5

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"Where is Y/N?" Momo asked looking around. Days have passed since the day that Ms. Im embarrased Y/N in front of the whole class and since then Y/N is nowhere to be seen. She does go to school but she's quiet and doesn't talk at all, not even to her friends.

"I think I already saw her going home." Dahyun answered. She actually tried to stop Y/N to talk to her but Y/N said that she needed to go and ran away so Dahyun couldn't talk to her.

"Aish, why is she acting so weird lately?" Tzuyu sighed.

"Did anyone of you know that she's fluent in English?" Mina asked and they all shook their heads. It's weird, it really is. They're Y/N's best friends but they don't know anything about her.

"I don't even get why she's so embarrassed about the fact that she's fluent, if I was fluent in English. I would talk English non stop you know." Dahyun chuckled.


Chaeyoung left her friends and decided to call Y/N to meet up. She actually wanted to go to Y/N's house, but she doesn't know where her best friend lives. Luckily Y/N agreed to meet up at the park.

Chaeyoung was sitting on a bench at the park and Y/N came shortly after and sat down next to her. It was silent none of them said a word.

"You know that you can tell me anything, right? I'm your best friend Y/N. I won't judge you or leave you. I know you're having some problems. I wish you would trust me enough to tell me." Chaeyoung spoke up. 

"I do trust you, Chaeyoung. It's just, I'm not ready to tell anyone. I will tell you one day, I promise." Chaeyoung just nodded, she doesn't want to push Y/N to talk about it. It's already a wonder that Y/N admitted that she's having problems.

"And the reason why I don't hang out with you guys that much, is because I have a job." Y/N continued.

"What? You do? But you told us that you don't have one." Chaeyoung is confused.

"Yeah, I lied. I just didn't want you to know." Y/N is glad that she could finally tell her best friend about it. Truth is Y/N does have many secrets.


Y/N was at her locker getting some of her books, when she noticed someone getting bullied. It was Jennie. Jennie is known as a bully in their school. She keeps bullying this girl named Jisoo. Y/N has seen this scene many times and has always tried to ignore it but she can't ignore it anymore.

"Yah, stop it!" Y/N said pulling Jennie's arm which was about to hit Jisoo.

"Ahh, if it isn't Choi Y/N." Jennie crossed her arms with a smirk on her face.

"Let her go." Y/N demanded.

"Why would I? And why do you even care?" At this point all the students who were in the hallway gathered around them to watch the scene.

"You need to stop bullying people." Y/N was beyond mad at this point.

"It's kinda funny that you're telling me not to bully when you're a bully yourself, Y/N-ssi. Why don't you just join the club instead of defending the weak?" Jennie was really pushing Y/N's buttons right now.

"Shut the fuck up, Jennie. Don't make me angry, you know that I'm not a bully." Y/N got closer to Jennie, anger clear on her face.

"I don't know what you are, Y/N-ah. Maybe you're acting now, just like how you acted that you were a bad ass student but turns out that you're just a nerd." This is it. Y/N couldn't hold herself in anymore. She pushed Jennie towards the lockers and put her arm against the bully's neck, making it hard for her to breathe.

Ms. Im was watching the entire scene happening from afar. She didn't expect Y/N to burst out in anger like that and get violent. She ran towards the two that were fighting and tried to stop Y/N since she was the violent one.

"Y/N stop it!" Ms. Im demanded pulling Y/N away from her, but Y/N is strong so it was hard for the teacher to stop her. 

"Y/N please." Nayeon whispered holding Y/N's shoulders and that made Y/N stop. She doesn't know why she stopped but something in her teacher's eyes showed worry, so she stopped.

"The scene is over. All of you go to class now!" Nayeon yelled and they all went to class immediately. The principal, who is actually Ms.Park as well, took care of Jennie and Jisoo while Nayeon said she was going to take care of Y/N. They know it isn't smart to put Y/N in the same room as Jennie.

Y/N followed Ms. Im to her office still boiling in anger. She sat down as soon as they entered the office. Y/N was having trouble breathing and Nayeon noticed it.

"Hey, Y/N look at me. Are you okay?" But the student didn't give an answer. She was breathing faster and faster with her eyes closed. 

"Y/N, look at me, please." Ms. Im said holding Y/N's hands. She hoped that it would help Y/N calm down and it actually did. Y/N opened her eyes and started to breathe normally. When her anger was back to normal she noticed that Nayeon was holding her hands, so she pushed them away.

"What happened?" Nayeon asked.

"I stopped Jennie from bullying that girl." Nayeon decided to approach her student carefully. So she tried to understand the situation. 

"It's a good thing that you wanted to stop the bullying, but you know that violence isn't the answer, right?" 

"I didn't mean to get violent." Y/N looked down.

"You thought that I was a bully myself, so you're shocked that I tried to stop her, right? I know you saw the entire scene. I saw you standing there." Nayeon didn't know what to say, it's true. When Nayeon met Y/N she thought she was a bully. Everyone would think that Y/N is a bully with the attitude that she has. But she was shocked to see Y/N actually wanting to stop someone from getting bullied.

"I'm not a bully, seongsaengnim. In fact I hate bully's, I think they're mentally weak, that's why they're disturbing people that are even weaker than them. I hate seeing people being weak, I know that they can't do anything about it. But I just hate seeing the entire scene of bullying, it makes me angry. I've tried ignoring Jennie for a while now, but no one is stopping her. And that makes me even angrier." Y/N sighed. Nayeon is glad. She's glad that Y/N is talking about it. 

"Is there a reason why you hate seeing people being weak?"

"I don't know." Y/N lied. There actually is a reason, but she's not going to tell her teacher that. Especially not Ms. Im. 


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