Chapter 22

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"What's up girls?" Y/N yelled as she joined her friends for lunch during their break.

"You seem happy, did something happen?" Mina asked smiling. They haven't seen Y/N act like this in a long time.

"Can't I be happy? I'm just in a good mood." 

"Probably because of Ms. Im." Chaeyoung giggled.

"Yah, Chaeyoung-ah, I will kill you." Y/N glared at the younger.

"Are you guys free after school? Let's go to that cafe we always used to go to." Y/N suggested and all her friends looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Am I hearing this right? Y/N unnie wants to hang out?" Tzuyu asked in confusion. It's been a long time since Y/N hung out with them, let along asked to hang out with them.

"We're probably dreaming." Momo acted like she was dreaming and Y/N sighed at the sight of her friends.

"I'm serious. I need to tell you guys something. It's important." 

"Why don't you tell us now?" Dahyun asked.

"Because it's a long story and people might hear us here, so it's best that I tell you guys somewhere else. Are you guys up for it or nah?" 

"I'm up." Mina spoke up first.

"Me too." Chaeyoung repeated and snuggled into Mina kissing her cheek.

"Yah! Not in front of my salad!" Momo yelled and all of them chuckled.


Y/N and her friends went to a nearby cafe after school. They were all curious about what Y/N was going to tell them and they couldn't wait. So when they sat down Y/N told them the story without losing any time. She told them about her parents, her guardian and about where she lives. Basically almost everything about her past.

"What the hell Y/N, why did you never tell us?" Mina asked. Mina is like the most mature one in the group. She's the one that keeps the group together and she can't believe that she never noticed all of this. All this time she just thought that Y/N was causing trouble so she never asked about it. It turns out her friend was really struggling.

"I don't know. I like to deal with my mess myself so I didn't want to bother you guys with my problems." 

"Unnie, we're your friends. We're here for you no matter what. We won't judge you, we're here to help." Tzuyu said and Y/N has never heard nice words like this coming out form the younger's mouth.

"Exactly. Who cares if your father is a shitty man? It's not like you are shitty too, besides none of this is your fault. He's the one that caused all of this." Chaeyoung is really mad at that man for being the reason of Y/N's misery.

"Also how could they give you to a guardian like that? I can't believe she asked you to be a whore with her." Momo shook her head.

"Wait, you said you don't live in that neighbourhood anymore, so where do you live now?" Dahyun asked.

"Ms. Im found out about my situation and she took me in until I find a new place." 

"Ms. Im knows???" They all yelled.

"Yah, be quiet! Yes, she knows."

"How could you tell her before us?" Chaeyoung pouted.

"I didn't tell her. She found out." Y/N sighed.

"I can't believe you live with a teacher now. That's so cool." Dahyun acted all excited.

"Yeah, because you also wanna live with a particular teacher." Tzuyu teased and Dahyun hit her arm.

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