Chapter 31

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The next day Y/N woke up by the sound of her alarm. When she opened her eyes she realized that Nayeon was cuddling her in her sleep. So fucking cute.

"Babe, wake up." Y/N said weakly, caressing her girlfriend's hair.

"Hmm, I don't wanna." Nayeon pouted.

"You have to. You need to go to school to teach some annoying students." Y/N chuckled.

"Don't call my students annoying and for your information you're my most annoying student." Nayeon said as she got out of bed.

"Yah unnie, why are you always so mean in the morning?" Nayeon is definitely not a morning person.

"Sorry baby, will this make it better?" Nayeon asked as she approached the younger and kissed her cheek..

"Yes. That makes everything better." Y/N smiled. They both stood up and Y/N went to the bathroom first and Nayeon followed next. When Nayeon left the bathroom she saw Y/N changing. She gotta admit Y/N looks very hot in that school uniform.

"Why are you staring like that?" Y/N asked when she noticed that Nayeon was out of the bathroom.

"You just look very good in that uniform." Nayeon approached and held Y/N's collar.

"Hmm, do I?" 

"Yes." The teacher answered as she tied Y/N's tie and then pulled her into a kiss. The kiss didn't last long since they don't have much time left. When both of them were ready they went to the kitchen and saw Tiffany making breakfast. 

"Ahh, it smells so good." Nayeon exclaimed as she inhaled the smell.

"I can guarantee that it tastes good as well. Here it's ready, let's eat." Tiffany smiled and the three of them sat down to eat kimchi pancakes. While they were eating Y/N's phone rang and Y/N picked it up seeing that it was Taehyung who's calling.

"Yes, oppa?" Y/N answered.

"Y/N, you became a part of our gang and didn't tell me?"

"What? I never became a part of your gang." Y/N answered and Nayeon and Tiffany both looked at her.

"Apparently some members read an article that said that you're part of the gang so I've been getting a lot of questions." Y/N sighed. So people outside of school read it too?

"It's not true oppa. You know very well that I'm not part of that gang."

"I'm relieved. I thought you became a member without telling me, I was hurt." Taehyung laughed.

"That will never happen." Y/N shook her head.

"Ah c'mon why not? People already think that you're a part, so why don't you just join us, Y/N-ah? That will make all the members happy, especially me and Sana." When Taehyung said Sana's name Y/N suddenly raised her eyebrows. Nayeon is right next to her. Let's hope that she didn't hear the mention of Sana's name.

"We'll talk about this later, oppa. I need to go now." 

"Alright, take care Y/N-ie. Also come visit me, I haven't seen you ever since you saved Sana." When is he gonna stop saying Sana's name?

"Bye, Taehyung oppaaa." With that Y/N hung up. Her heart started beating faster because of the possibility that Nayeon heard Sana's name.

"What was that about?" Nayeon asked.

"Apparently people from outside have read the article as well, so the gang members actually thought that I became part of that gang." Y/N explained.

"Why did Taehyung mention Sana?" Fuck. She heard.

"Sana? Why would he mention Sana? You probably heard wrong." Y/N acted clueless. 

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