Chapter 30

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Y/N walked into school with Mina, but something was feeling off. Everyone was staring at them and whispers were heard. Y/N didn't pay much attention at first since it's been like this ever since the rumors about her and Nayeon started, but the rumors had already cooled down and people stopped talking about it. It seems like something else is going on. 

"Why are people staring at us? Did you do something?" Mina whispered to Y/N.

"No. At least I don't think so." Y/N really has no idea what's happening. They just kept walking until they reached their group of friends. They were busy talking about something but they stopped as soon as the two arrived. 

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Y/N asked when she noticed that the girls were looking at her with worry.

"You didn't read?" Chaeyoung asked as she held Mina's hand and kissed her cheek.

"Read what?" Mina asked. It looks like she and Y/N are the only ones that have no clue about what's going on.

"Someone posted an article about you on the school website." Dahyun said and handed her phone to Y/N so that she could read. Chaeyoung also handed her phone to Mina so that she'll know what's going on as well. 

Recently I found out that the popular student Choi Y/N is not who we think she is. First of all we all thought that she was some spoiled rich girl because of her attitude but apparently she's not rich at all. You all might know Y/N's father. He is one of the most known gangsters in the city. His name is Choi Minho. He's been on the news multiple times in the past years for killing people, abusing people, harassing women, selling drugs and many more. Right now he's in prison for killing someone with his bare hands. That man is a psychopath and his daughter is going to the same school as ours. No wonder why Y/N is so aggressive, violent and rude all the time. She looks after her father. She's a psychopath and a gangster just like him. We aren't safe going to the same school as her. Who knows what she'll do to us? Do you really want to go to the same school as someone who's a gangster? She needs to leave this school. It's best for our safety. 

"Who the fuck wrote this?" Y/N asked her friends as she clenched her fists.

"We don't know. It's anonymous, but it's a student for sure." Momo answered.

"What are you looking at??" Y/N yelled at the students who kept staring at her. Of course they got scared and looked the other way.

"Who the fuck wrote this!?" Y/N started yelling and going around asking students about who wrote it. They all just shook their heads and told her that they don't know. 

"Y/N please don't cause a scene." Mina said as she held Y/N's arm trying to calm her down.

"How can I not?? I'm not a fucking gangster, I'm not like him!"

"We know, unnie. But if you get mad right now, than they will believe that article even more. You need to stay calm." Tzuyu is right, but how can she calm down? She's been trying to hide her identity for years and now it's suddenly revealed to the entire school only a couple of months before graduation.

"Choi Y/N to the principal office. Choi Y/N to the principal office." The announcer suddenly said.

"Great, fucking great." Y/N said as she left her friends and went to Ms. Park's office. The door was open so she just walked in.

"Oh Y/N you're here. Can you close the door?" Jihyo asked and Y/N did what she was told.

"I'm guessing from your appearance that you read the article?" 

"Yeah, I fucking did." Y/N never expected this to happen. She doesn't know what to do.

"You told me that you weren't a part of your father's gang. Did you lie?" Jihyo knows about Y/N's family. When Y/N came to this school she asked her if she was a part of the gang but Y/N of course told her that she wasn't, because she's not.

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