Chapter 13

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Y/N and Nayeon arrived at Nayeon's apartment. Y/N felt slightly uncomfortable at first but Nayeon makes her feel wanted here so she doesn't feel that uncomfortable anymore.

"I made you some hot chocolate. I bet you're cold." Nayeon said handing Y/N a cup making Y/N smile weakly at her. 

"Aren't you disgusted by me?" Y/N asked as Nayeon sat down next to her on the couch.

"Why would I be disgusted by you?" Nayeon could never be disgusted by her student. Yes she hated her at first but now she feels many things around her except for hate.

"There are many reasons. I'm poor, I live around gangsters, I get into fights, I'm rude, I have anger issues. There are many more, should I keep going?" Y/N counted on her fingers.

"Those are all true, but why aren't you focusing on the positive things as well Y/N-ie?" 

"There are no positive things about me." Y/N shook her head. It hurts Nayeon that the student thinks so badly about herself. Y/N always seems so confident. Nayeon never would've thought that Y/N was hiding so many things about herself. 

"You're wrong. There are positive things about you but you just ignore them. You're very smart and intelligent with a lot of potential. Yet, you decide to hide that fact for God knows what reason. You're also caring about your friends and about me even though you don't like to show it. You also always try to protect the weak from the strong, even if it means you'll get in trouble." 

"But for me the most positive thing is that you're hardworking. You've been by yourself for a long time and you managed to survive until now. I don't know what you went through and I hope you'll open up to me someday about it but I know for a fact that another 17 year old kid wouldn't be able to go through the things that you did. So you're strong even if you think you're not." Those words really hit Y/N. No one has spoken about her like this before. How can she be so nice and caring towards the student when all Y/N did was be an asshole?

"I don't deserve you..." Y/N whispered to herself but Nayeon heard it.

"I know that you want to be independent and that you don't want any help but now is the time to seek for some help Y/N. You can't go on like this. Please get some help. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, I'm just worried. You're only 17, you shouldn't be living in circumstances like this. So please ask for help, whether you ask me, the school, your friends or other teachers, just someone. Don't go through this alone." Nayeon caressed the younger's arm. Y/N knows her teacher is right and that she needs to seek for help but her pride won't let her. She hates asking for help. She'd rather do everything herself.

"Seonsaengnim, don't worry about me. I've been taking care of myself since I was 10 so I don't need any help. Like always I will fix the mess that I caused myself." Nayeon sighed upon hearing that.

"Aish, why are you so stubborn? Put your pride aside for once." Y/N didn't respond to that. Her pride is one of the things that she can never put aside.

"It's getting late we should go to sleep. I'll give you some clothes and you can sleep on the couch." The teacher said going to her room. After 5 minutes she came back with some clothes and a blanket for Y/N.

"Thank you, seonsaengnim." Y/N smiled weakly.

"Wake me up if you need something." With that the teacher kissed Y/N's cheek and went to her room and fell asleep immediately. On the other hand Y/N couldn't sleep. She keeps thinking about her teacher and is smiling like an idiot to herself. She needs to stop her feelings from growing, but what if it's already too late?


Nayeon woke up in the middle of the night and she couldn't sleep afterwards so she decided to go to the kitchen to get some water. She passed by Y/N and saw her sleeping peacefully. She looks like an angel when she's sleeping. Why is she so angry all the time when she's awake? The teacher kept staring at Y/N's beautiful face. She was caressing Y/N's hair when Y/N suddenly woke up and was about to punch Nayeon. When she realised that it was Nayeon in front of her she put her fist down and sighed. Nayeon was surprised at the younger girl's action.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that." Y/N shook her head. 

"You fucking scared me! I thought you were going to hit me." Nayeon held her chest.

"I live in a gangster neighbourhood, Ms. Im. Anything can happen at night. It's dangerous so I have a reflex of protecting myself." Y/N explained. Y/N has never had a peaceful night ever since she moved into that place. She wakes up every night due to fights in her neighbourhood or drunk people trying to get into her place. So she needs to be very cautious at all times, especially at night.

"That makes sense." Nayeon mumbled. 

"Why are you awake though? You can't sleep?" Nayeon just nodded and Y/N patted the space next to her for Nayeon to sit, so she did.

"Y/N... I keep feeling weird things around you." The teacher looked down. She doesn't know why she suddenly said that. 

"Weird things? Like what?" The younger doesn't know what Ms. Im is talking about. She hopes that those weird things aren't bad things. 

"It's just this exciting feeling whenever you're around me. I want to see you all the time and I can't stop thinking about you." Nayeon confessed.

"You're making me feel things that a teacher shouldn't feel for her student." Nayeon repeated Y/N's words that she said a few weeks ago when they were in her car. 

"I guess we're both having these feelings." Y/N simply said. She's glad she's not the only one feelings these things.

"What are these feelings? Is it bad for me to have them?" Nayeon asked looking at Y/N. 

Y/N didn't answer. She stared into her teacher's eyes and her eyes travelled to Nayeon's lips. Y/N leaned in closer and before she knew it her lips were on her teacher's lips. She didn't know what got into her, kissing her teacher like that. Nayeon was shocked at first but after a few seconds she responded. They were kissing slowly. Their lips were in sync, like they were perfectly made for each other. Nayeon expected Y/N to be rough, but she was gentle just like how Nayeon likes to be approached.

"Uhm, we should go to sleep." Nayeon said pulling away and she walked back to her room. Y/N knows that she shouldn't have done it. She has to put her feelings aside. Nayeon is her teacher after all. It's way too risky for them to be doing things like this. She doesn't want Nayeon to lose her job because of her. She doesn't want Nayeon to enter her mess of a life because she cares about her.


Updateeee. I saw many comments on the last chapter and you're all curious about Y/N's situation. I promise you'll find out soon :) Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting on this story, it makes me very happy. 

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