Chapter 37

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A few days after Nayeon told Sana about seeing Y/N, Sana decided to go check the real estate office to see if Y/N is actually working there. She wanted to go earlier but she didn't have time. She's curious about what Y/N is doing right now and why she didn't call when she came back. She knows Y/N won't contact her first, so she just decided to go to the place where she thought the younger girl most likely would be, which is at the office. Hopefully, she'll be there.

"Hi, how can I help you?" A young girl asked when Sana entered the office.

"Hi, I'm actually looking for Choi Y/N. Does she work here?"

"Ah, yes she does. Do you have an appointment?" Sana shook her head.

"Oh no, can you just tell her that her friend is here?"

"Yes, please wait here." The girl smiled and went to Y/N's office to let her know that someone wants to see her.

"Ms. Choi, someone is here to see you. She said she's your friend." My friend? Y/N thought to herself. She has no friends who could it be?

"Let her in." Y/N has no idea on who it might be, but she let her in anyways.

"Ms. You can go in." The girl said to Sana. The Japanese woman opened the door to Y/N's office and smiled weakly upon seeing her. She's relieved to see the younger girl.

"Ms. Sana?" Y/N said with raised eyebrows looking up from her computer. Y/N didn't expect Sana to show up here. First Nayeon, now Sana. Who's next? Minju?

"Y/N-ie, can I come in?"

"Yeah. Come in." Y/N hesitated a bit, but decided to let her in anyways.

"Are you here to look for an apartment?" Y/N knows that Sana is not here to look for an apartment, but since she's at work she decided to stay professional. 

"No. I'm here to see you. Nayeon unnie told me that she saw you here, but I had to see you with my own eyes." Sana explained.

"Why didn't you call when you came back?" Y/N really doesn't want to answer that question, but she knows Sana. She won't stop asking until she gets an answer.

"Do you remember what I told you before I left? I said that I was gonna call you when the time is right. And when I came back, the time wasn't right."

"Is the time right now?" Sana raised her eyebrows.

"No, it's not."


"Because I'm not ready yet." Y/N sighed.

"Ready for what?"

"Did you come here to interrogate me?" Y/N joked.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just curious. I have a lot of questions Y/N." No one knows what Y/N has been doing for the past year, it's natural for her to be curious.

"I understand that."

"I missed you." Sana informed while Y/N just smiled weakly. She missed the Japanese woman as well, but she doesn't have the courage to tell her that.

"You're lucky that I didn't tell Dahyun that you're back, she would've been really upset about that." 

"D-dahyun? Are you still in contact with her?" Y/N asked in curiosity.

"Yeah, we're dating." Sana said proudly. Of course she'll be proud, she's dating the one and only Kim Dahyun.

"Owww." Y/N isn't surprised at all. She knew that they both liked each other. She's glad that they ended up together even after Y/N got in their way.

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