Chapter 28

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"Ah Y/N, you're home already." Nayeon said as she unlocked her apartment's door and saw Y/N sitting on the couch.

"Ah yes. There weren't many customers today so my boss let me go early." Normally the teacher is the one that arrives first since Y/N's always working after school. 

"I missed you, babe." The older smiled and crawled next to Y/N hugging her.

"I missed you too, seongsaengnim." Y/N kissed the crown of Nayeon's head. 

"I need to tell you something. I got a call today and apparently they found me a new guardian. I'm meeting her tomorrow." The student explained. Nayeon pulled away from Y/N so she could take a look at the girl's face.

"Ow they did? That's good to hear." 

"You don't look very happy." Y/N chuckled.

"No, no I am happy for you. It's just I'm sad that you'll be leaving me. I got so used to living with you and now you'll be leaving." The older explained.

"Aw, don't be sad. I'll still visit you as much as I can and you'll still see me at school." 

"I barely even saw you when you were living here because you work until late and yes I see you at school but I can barely talk to you because of those stupid rumors." Nayeon was actually the one that was dealing well with the rumors but now it's starting to affect her as well.

"Hey, hey." Y/N got closer to Nayeon and grabbed her hands into hers caressing them with her thumb. "It's just a couple of months. After I graduate I'll get a job and earn money and when I have some money, I'll move in with you." Nayeon's eyes widened upon hearing that.

"Y-you will?" 

"Yes, only if you want that too." 

"Of course I'd want that. But Y/N you don't have to earn money to live here. You can live here for free you know that. You don't have to worry about money." Y/N shook her head. No way she'll let her girlfriend pay for everything.

"Stoooop, I don't want you to be my suga momma." Y/N is disgusted by even thinking about it. 

"Why? Don't you think it's kinky?" Nayeon smirked. She knows that Y/N doesn't like it when she talks like that, but Y/N has been teasing her a lot lately so she wants to get back at her. 

"NOOO, stop unnieeee, don't be like that." Y/N yelled and shook her head and hands in disgust. 

"Don't teenagers use that word nowadays?" To be honest, Nayeon doesn't really know what that means, oops.

"That doesn't mean you have to use it too. You're old, so please don't ever say that again."

"Yah! I'm not old, stop saying that!" The older hit Y/N's shoulder.

"Okay grandma." Y/N smirked.

"What time will you meet your new guardian tomorrow?" Nayeon sighed. Even when she teases Y/N first, she's the one that ends up getting teased.

"After my session with Seulgi unnie." Y/N has been going to therapy ever since she went there for the first time. She still doesn't like going and the amount of questions Seulgi asks annoys the shit out of her, but surprisingly Seulgi has been giving her great advice on how to control her anger. She's not there yet, but she believes she will be soon.

"Can I come with you? I wanna meet her. I need to make sure that this time your guardian is a good one." 

"Sure, you can come. They haven't told me much about her except that she's a woman in her 30s and her name is Tiffany." Y/N explained.

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