Chapter 1

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Y/N just arrived at school and her best friend Chaeyoung approached her with a smile on her face. 

"Ready for our first day?" Chaeyoung asked and Y/N glared at her. 

"No, I wanna go home." Y/N hates school. She would rather go work and earn some money instead of wasting her time on studying. Luckily it is her last year in high school. If everything goes well she'll graduate this year.

"Oh c'mon, aren't you glad to see me?" Chaeyoung pouted. Y/N is glad to see Chaeyoung but she will never tell her that because once she does, Chaeyoung won't stop teasing her about it.

"Where are the others?" Y/N asked, ignoring Chaeyoung's previous question.

"Mina unnie texted me that they're at the lockers." So the two went to meet their friends at the lockers. On their way they heard a lot of whispers, mostly about Y/N. Y/N is a popular student, everyone at school knows her, that's because..., well, she's intimidating and she has a bad reputation with the teachers. Most people would call her a troublemaker, but she has never actually caused trouble, she just has a very bad attitude and can be rude at times. 

"What class do you have first Y/N?" Momo asked first thing when Y/N and Chaeyoung approached their friends. Y/N has a loyal group of friends which consists of Momo, Mina and Dahyun, who are in the same year and then Chaeyoung and Tzuyu who are a year younger than them.

"I don't know, I haven't checked." 

"Yah unnie how can you not check? Class starts in 5 minutes." Tzuyu scolded her. If anyone else talked to Y/N like this she probably would have started a fight, but when her friends do it she's okay with it. 

"She has English, same as ours." Dahyun said looking at Y/N's schedule. 

"I'm excited to see the new teacher. There are rumours going around that she's young and hot." Momo informed.

"Yah who cares she's just a teacher. Just shut up and let's go to class." Y/N said and left her friends walking towards the classroom.

"She's in a bad mood again." Mina sighed.

"When is she not in a bad mood?" Chaeyoung knows Y/N the best out of all the girls. She knows how easily irritated Y/N gets and how hard she is to deal with. Y/N can always suck the fun out of everything. She is no fun at all. Chaeyoung used to be the no jam member of their group but now that Y/N is in their group Chaeyoung is seen as fun and Y/N became the no jam member instead.

Y/N walked in class and her friends followed her. Y/N immediately walked to the back without even looking at her classmates nor the teacher and sat down. 

"Hello I am your new English teacher. My name is Im Nayeon, you can call me Ms. Im." The teacher started the class and whispers were heard around the classroom. She was indeed young and hot just like how Momo described her to be but Y/N couldn't care less. She didn't even look at the teacher.

"I know I look young but don't be decieved, I'm not like other young teachers. We will work seriously this year. I heard from the school that your previous English teacher didn't do a very good job here. I will do my best to make sure that your English gets better and I will prepare you for college as well. It's important that you do well in my class if you want to graduate and go to a nice college. Are there any questions? You can ask me anything." 

"How old are you, Ms. Im?" A boy named Jackson asked.

"I'm 25." The teacher simply answered. 

"Any other questions?" Everyone shook their heads so Ms. Im started her lesson. 

Y/N was doing everything except for listening to the teacher. She hated this. She's good at English, she taught herself English throughout the years and the English that she's learning at school is tooo easy for her, so she gets bored. 

"This is so fucking boring." Y/N sighed loudly.

"Did you say something?" Ms. Im glared at her. She actually did hear what Y/N said but decided to ignore it.

"Ah yes I said that this is fucking boring." All the students attention shifted to Y/N. They've seen this scene many times with numerous teachers. Y/N loves to annoy her teachers and gets into arguments with them many times.

"What is your name?" 

"Choi Y/N is the name, seonsaengnim.(teacher)" She said proudly.

"Ah so you're the famous Y/N, huh? Teachers have warned me about you."

"Ah they did? I guess I'm important since they love talking about me." Y/N chuckled. Mina locked eyes with Dahyun and they both sighed. They don't know why Y/N always does this. She can actually be very nice at times but she chooses to be an asshole at school. 

"They're not talking about you because you're important, they're talking about you because you're a burden to them. You're the exact same as every student here so don't flatter yourself too much and fix that attitude, will you?" Nayeon already knew about Y/N before the class even started. Her friend Park Jihyo who's also a teacher at this school already warned her about Y/N. Nayeon knew it was going to be a hard to deal with student. She has had experiences with students like this and the only way they fix their attitude is by scolding them the right way.

Y/N has been scolded many times but never like this. What Nayeon did wasn't even scolding her she basically dissed her in front of the whole class. Everyone's eyes widened and some gasps were even heard. Everyone was looking at Y/N waiting for her reaction. Her friends were worried, Y/N gets out of control when someone talks to her like this but to everyone's surprise she just said "Ooh, okay." 

Nayeon was surprised, she expected Y/N to talk back to her but she didn't. Y/N's friends were happy that Y/N didn't continue being an asshole, but it was weird for them since this is the first time that a teacher actually made Y/N shut her mouth. They're already liking this new teacher. Don't get them wrong they love Y/N, but Y/N needs to learn a lesson about her behaviour and Ms. Im seems like the perfect person to do that. 

"Before you guys leave I want to give you an assignment. This assignment isn't graded, I just want to see your level of English and your writing skills. You just have to write something, it doesn't have to be long and you can choose whatever you write about. It's due to tomorrow. You can all leave now." Y/N already knew she wasn't going to do it. Who gives assignments on the first day of school anyways?


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