Chapter 13 - gone..

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Soon everything went back to normal. Half of the people working on cure and the other one fighting and training. Even Remi,Keigo, Himiko and Dabi joined them.

Of course Bakugou and Dabi barely spoke to each other or when they did , it always ended in fights and injuring each other.

"Okay guess what?"- Sero spoke.

"What?!"- Bakugou shouted already annoyed.

"We found an old parkour in the woods near the cave and if you-"

"Get your things done. We are leaving after 10 minutes."- Denki was cut off by Katsuki.

"Told ya"- Sero joked before the three of them went to get ready.

Bakugou was waiting on the exit when Eijirou  walked up to him. "What are you doing here??"

"None of your business."- glared the blonde.

"You said we will train todayyyy"- whined the black haired boy.

"I am busy now. When I get back we can train."


"Go die."- Bakugou said.


"Come on Kiri I will teach you something!!"- called Jirou from the other side.

Bakugou met her eyes and nodded thanking her , she smirked and walked away with Kirishima.

"We are ready!!"- shouted Kaminari walking to the blonde along with Sero.

"Fucking finally."- mumbled Katsuki.

They began to walk with the two idiots ahead showing the way. Soon the reach the location with old abandoned parkour/training place. It reminded of the base one they had. Bakugou smiled and rushed to the start.

"Oi Oi wait!!"- Kami yelled getting on the start too. Sero walked to them and got ready.




They started racing. 

First stage..climbing.

Then we have jumping ;

swimming ;

again jumping ;

swinging ;

and finally pulling yourself with long dirty rope.

They reached the second stage but Kaminari and Hanta got tired.

"Weak."- said Bakugou smirking a bit.

"It was good one!!"- whined Denki.

"Yeah.."- Sero said.

"Okay whatever..let's go back home."- glared Bakugou.

They prepared to go and took their stuff , when near Katsuki's head flow a cartridge. Their eyes widened. Bakugou was frozen , the sound of the shot still echoed in his head. Sero took his knife out and Denki took his katana ready to fight.

"Bakugou are you alright??"- Kaminari spoke.

"Fucking show yourself!?!"- yelled the blonde.

"What do we do Bak-"- Hanta cut himself off when he saw a bunch of zombies coming their way.

"FIGHT!?"- shouted Katsuki taking out his weapon and started to beat zombies up.

Denki and Sero joined him.

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