Chapter 27 - Lost hope..

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Eijirou looked at Dabi. The black haired male locked eyes with him. 

"Tie me down."- mumbled Dabi. 

"Kirishima step away from him and don't let him near you till I tie him down."- Katsuki said scanning his friend. 

The red head walked behind the laboratory desk without breaking eye contact with the older male. Bakugou rushed to Kiri's backpack and took out a rope. He walked carefully back to Dabi. The turquoise eyes we're changing to white and back to normal.

 "Bakugou. There is a chair here.. This will do better." - Kirishima said.

 Katsuki nodded before tying the rope around his friend's waist and arms. He then started pulling him and soon they were beside Eijirou. Bakugou tied Dabi to the chair and stepped back. 

"You better find something that will help them soon." - the leader glared at the smaller boy. 

"I am trying my best.." - mumbled Eijirou better taking his whole bag and taking out his science things from inside. 

"I hope... They won't kill each other in there." - mumbled Dabi.

"Me.. Too.." - Bakugou said. 

"Did you... See everyone.."

 Katsuki was now looking at the ground. 

Yes. He saw them all. Every single one from his friends that were kidnapped. 

They were alive.

 Probably asking themselves everyday where was their leader and why was he taking so long.. 

They were alive. 

Yes, killing machines but alive! And when Eijirou finishes the cure... They all will be back!! Shoto, Hanta, Ochako, Hitoshi, Tenya, Momo and Izuku... 

"Yeah.. Everyone is here... And what about your people..? " 

Dabi looked up at Bakugou. 

He saw them too. He saw Toga and Miruko trying to kill each other. He tried to get them off each other and probably got the bite there. 

He also saw Keigo. His wings were almost gone. When he saw his lover he almost broke. He wanted to scream. But the blonde male didn't do anything else than staring at his partner. Didn't talk, didn't move.. Just staring. 

"They are here too." 

"Well.." - Bakugou glanced to Kirishima. "At least we still have a hope.." 

"Yeah true.." 

Some time passed. Bakugou was leaning onto the wall with his arms crossed and snorting slightly. Dabi was looking at Kirishima without saying a word. 

Meanwhile Eijirou was struggling to create a new cure. He had to use from the old antidote. The red head mixed all 15 doses in one big object. He took some from the extra materials he had at his backpack and mixed them with the liquid. It turned from purple to dark blue. 

"It's still missing something.." - he mumbled to himself taking out a knife. 

"Red...?" - Dabi looked at him with eyebrow up. "The hell do you think you are doing.?" 

Kirishima jumped slightly from the noise. He turned around to face his older friend with knife up his wrist. "I need human blood." - he mumbled. 

"Take from.. Oh." "Yeah oh..." 

"What about that asshole there?" - Dabi tilted his head to Bakugou. 

"You know I won't do it.." - Kiri said. 

"... Just don't cut your veins off okay?" 

Eijirou nodded before turning back around. He cut his wrist a bit pouring some crimson red blood in the antidote. "Shit..." - he cursed under his breath. Kirishima took a bandage from his backpack and placed it over the cut. He put the knife away and started mixing the liquid. 

After a while, he separated it in 16 different tubes that needed to be put in hot place, after that they had to be scanned for anything tough , then slowly and careful put them in injections. If Eijirou finishes that, the cure would be ready. And it will work this time. 

Probably a hour later, Bakugou was awake and standing beside Kirishima. 

"So... This is going to work right..?" - the blonde asked peeking from behind. 

"I think so. It's the last thing we have.." 

"And if.. It doesn't?" 

The red head stayed silent for a minute then he started talking - "How do you want me to answer to that question.. I'm trying my best but you are never satisfied. If it doesn't work then I am a failure, our friends are dead and the world will be destroyed."

 Katsuki looked at him. "You.. Don't get to talk to me like that.. Stupid brat." 

"Just.. Leave me alone so I can finish this in peace." The blonde glared and walked away again. 

"Yo.. Bakugou"- suddenly Dabi talked.

 "What?" - Katsuki looked at the black haired male. 

"Come here." 

"Why? If you are asking to be freed, that's not happening. " 

"No, that's not it." 

"The fuck do you need?!" - Bakugou shouted and walked closer to his friend. 

"I just need.." 

"Speak fucker??" 

Dabi whispered something so quite. Bakugou got closer. 


"Pathetic.." - mumbled Dabi before biting Katsuki 's shoulder. 

"What- THE FUCK?!" - the blonde jumped back. 

"What??" - Eijirou called from the other side. 

"He... Fuck... Kirishima.." - Bakugou looked at the red head and walked closer to him. 

"Bakugou..." - Eijirou saw the bite. 

"Just... Tie me down too." - Katsuki mumbled leaning onto the wall.

 The red quickly took his other ropes from his backpack and walked closer to Bakugou. He started tying the older male and soon the blonde was tied on the ground. 

"I am sorry.." - mumbled Kirishima. 

He then walked away and started doing his stuffs again.

 After some time he was almost done. He just needed the injections from his bag. The red head walked past Bakugou and kneeled down to take his stuff. 


"Bakugou.. Oh shit?! No!!" - he yelled. 

The blonde had bit him.


"No.. No that's uh..." - he suddenly started feeling dizzy.

 Eijirou quickly stood up and started separating the antidote into the injections. He messed up but did it again while his brain was playing around, his body didn't follow his orders.

"Shit.." - he cursed before his eyes turned white too.

Lost hope..

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