Chapter 21 - Kaminari and Jirou

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/ I am sorry you had to live in such a cruel world pebble.. 

 - It's okay mama it isn't your fault! And like papa said we are gonna fix it right!? 

 Yeah..but this scar.. 

 - It doesn't hurt anymore!! I am fine! 

 You heard him darling..Little man is perfectly fine/ 

 The bright red haired male sat up with tears forming in his eyes.Why..It's always them..I am sorry.."I am sorry.." 

 "What are you sorry for?"- Katsuki spoke rubbing his eyes. 

 "Hu- AH my bad!!"- yelped Eijirou. 


 "Come on , the sun is raising. We better get going." - Kota said putting on his hat. 

 "Yeah yeah"- Denki yawned. 

 The black haired kid kicked the blond haired male , who was tied and shook him. 

 "You don't have to be that rough!!"- yelled Tengai. 

 "I don't care , it's funny."

"That kid is going places.."- mumbled Katsuki with slight smirk. 

 "Yeah like hell."- Kaminari sigh. 

 "Shut up you all and let's get going!"- Dabi said putting on his jacket. 

 They began walking , Tengai telling them about the other zombie-people , the laboratory they need to reach and the villains that they are gonna meet. Everyone listens carefully , Bakugou thought of leaving Kirishima and Kota behind to make sure they don't get hurt in the process but they refused. Actually they needed Eijirou , no one else was good with science and about Kota , well his fighting style is strong and easily can beat a grown man so they decided the two younger boys to come. 

 " it comes the dangerous area."- said Tengai. 

 The trees were naked and the grass was grey - black color. There were some zombies and a fire spreading to one of the sides. 

 "Good. From now on everyone has to be on four eyes. It seems like those zombies are already lost case..kill and don't hesitate"- Bakugou said glaring to the red head. 

 "Alright , we can first start with-"- Dabi closed his mouth shut. 

 The purple haired woman along with the yellow haired man ran directly into the zombie's area. 

 Pulling out a bow , Kaminari started shooting one by one the zombies.His face is blank , his gold eyes tired , his hair moving around from the wind.He said he is taking his friends back , didnt he? Now he is determined to do so. Now or never right? While killing the zombies , his expression didn't change at all. Red liquid spilling on the ground , from the zombies bodies. He never missed. 

 Jirou on the other hand was working with gun. The cold in her eyes could be seen from meters away. The gunshots echoed in the forest. Like everyone could say , she never missed. Oh god how much she wanted Momo back..actually..all of them. Damn she missed all of them. Another shot. Another dead zombie. Her face was locked in serious expression. And soon her bullets were gone. 

 As soon as that happened Denki's arrow were gone too , he glanced to her nodding. The woman took out a tough sharp weapon from her pocket and the man took some sharp knifes.They rushed to each other , standing behind each other's back , continuing with the murdering.- 

Bakugou was starring at them with wide open eyes. These were his friends. Usually cracking a stupid joke or something. Now killing without their eye blinking. He was amazed for sure. Worried , but amazed.

Kirishima  had some tears in his eyes. It hurts them he thought to himself. He wanted to help , he wanted to go and help them but he would be to much trouble. 

 Dabi was staring at them also amazed. Looks like Bakugou taught them well he said to himself looking at their fighting skills. Never missed.

The other two were also staring surprised. 

 After good 15 minutes , there was no alive zombie to be seen around. Jirou searching for breathing ones and Kaminari panting , with palms onto his knees. Their faces are the same though. The yellow haired man started collecting his arrows one by one taking them from the dead bodies. 

 Soon Bakugou and the other walked to them.Denki glanced to his leader , who nodded slightly showing that he is proud. 

 Eijirou quickly rushed to them checking for wounds but there was nothing.They were completely unscathed.Thanks god - thought the red head. 

 Dabi looked at the purple haired woman smirking a bit. "I love your style"- he said and got a slight smile in reply.

Kota kicked Kaminari in the leg. "That was amazing! Why don't you fight like this all the time?!" 

 "Ow!" - the yellow haired man rubbed his leg. "I don't even know..You don't need to hurt me!!"- he shouted laughing a bit. 

 "Good job you two..I am proud. But unfortunately we have to continue."- the blond leader said putting a hands on their shoulders.

This is not a Kamijirou!! I usually ship it but this time no , we are taking a look at their friendship!! Also sorry this is short..Thanks for coming!


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