Journey back from the cave

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On the journey back, Iduna was seated at the front.

"That was amazing, Iduna..." Jorgen sleepily said from the back, falling asleep not long after.

"Aww, thanks Jorgen. And thanks to you two, for taking me on this journey-"

"It's fine. It's been great having you."
Georgine added abruptly.

The rest of the journey to the Bjorgen's house was perhaps a bit too quiet.

Following the steady pace of the reindeer, Iduna calmly stared ahead, deeply lost in thought.

Had she said or done something that upset them? Or did she forget to do something? Memories of Elsa and Anna often crossed Iduna's mind. Could it have any link to them?

Georgine and little Bjorgen returned home first, After checking for her belongings, Iduna guided Noadi and Mr Bjorgen towards the little house where she lived.

A few moments after they set off, Iduna spoke of how his stories had inspired Elsa and the naming of Sir Jorgenbjorgen. He smiled briefly at this, and eventually responded to Iduna.

"About your daughter... you didn't seem to communicate with her."

Iduna looked away, towards the horizon, slightly mithered by him pointing that out.

"No - not this time.

Iduna didn't try communicate with Elsa whilst they were in the cave. She first wanted to find how it sounded to sing there, and call Elsa when she could visit by herself, another time.

"This is the first time I have been to the cave," Iduna noted.

Mr Bjorgen sighed heavily. "You still could have tried this time."

"Have patience. I can visit the place again, then I will get more practice."

"You hardly need practice, your voice is already perfect."

"Thank you. I do like to sing every once in a while, and it's rather interesting hearing how the sound seems to improve in different surroundings. Improvements in sound, with the voice or playing a musical instrument, may also be because the person has been practising more." Iduna responded, getting a bit carried away with explaining.

"Iduna, you should not keep going there." 

"Hmm?" Iduna was curious about Mr Bjorgen's reply.

"This place can change you, and not in a good way." 

"Changes of what sort?"

Mr Bjorgen was a bit flustered. "Well...addictions."

Iduna waited for him to continue, despite guessing that these were his own flaws, not directly caused by visiting the place. 

He lowered his voice. "Like substance use, and drinking...anxiety plagues me. Georgine has even worse mental illness, she too has similar methods of coping . I know it's not good, it's wearing us out.  Our young son, Jorgen, he's so bright as I'm sure you've noticed... we need to be able to support him as he grows up."

Iduna listened to the man's troubles. It may have been a bit insensitive to mention her lifelong teetotalism at this point; instead, she reassured him that things would get better soon.

Noaidi the reindeer also whinnied in agreement. 

"We're nearly there, Noaidi, just another two right turns.

Did you choose the name Noaidi?"

"Yes, I did. There's much more for us to talk about, but it's getting late."

Iduna could tell that he was indeed weary. She was nine years his senior, but upon appearance, one could easily mistake Iduna as being younger, even when tired.  

On the other hand, Iduna gained energy from the trip in a way. Plus, she narrowly won this discussion - of course she'd return to the place! 

The trip to the cave itself was something different, leading her along a promising alternative path to Ahtohallan. It might not change her own life so much, but it might inspire her daughters to go on new adventures together.

A path of glowing lampposts illuminated the path ahead; they were almost there.

Once they had reached the destination, Iduna expressed her thanks to Mr. Bjorgen and Noaidi, respectively shaking hands and welcoming the reindeer affectionately nuzzling against her. 

She wished them goodnight and bye-bye, and finally got to the door of the home. It was more like two weeks had passed than two days. Iduna was reminded of the last time she was with Anna and Elsa. 

'See you in two weeks!' Heh, two weeks.

It became a habit for Iduna to just laugh at how those two weeks had passed long ago. 

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