Re-emerging magic & reindeer: Part III

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"That's interesting, Jorgen. Was your father ever famous?"

"He liked writing poems and short stories, mostly before I was born. Dad's uncle worked in the castle. He requests some of Dad's writing at the end of each year, for the Princess of Arendelle -"

Iduna lit up as her thoughts were confirmed. "Elsa's favourite author. I knew it!"

Kai was the aforementioned uncle; he made sure to gift Elsa with Mr. Bjorgen's latest writing for her birthday and Yuletide.

Elsa must have loved the stories and poems so much that she named her favourite toy Jorgen Bjorgen.

Sir Jorgenbjorgen.

Jorgen was confused for a moment, until realising that he was speaking to the same Princess of Arendelle's mother, Queen Iduna. His smile widened as Iduna continued with satisfaction.

"I bet, through his writing, your father brought a bit more joy to my Elsa's lonely days. You've made me feel more happy."


"Mm hm. I might have only been with you for these few hours so far, but we're already friends!"

"Like best friends. I feel a bit less lonely today. But sometimes I wish I had a brother or sister too."

"I'm glad to hear that. It's the same for me, too. I had a brother and two sisters, but they're quite far away now. Agnarr was like another brother to me, but now... I don't know where he is.

I think you might get a brother or sister in a few years, don't you worry, Jorgen. For now, whenever you feel lonely, and others don't seem to be around, try to be closer to nature."

"Thank you for the advice. I hope I have a brother or sister someday. Oh Iduna, you are very special to me, like my parents - and the reindeer!" Jorgen added, with consideration to Gollas and Noaidi.

The child leaned in towards Iduna and gave her a warm hug. Noaidi nuzzled close from behind too. They stayed there for a few minutes and gently let go.

Iduna ruffled Jorgen's hair as he giggled.

"Is your dad still writing?" Iduna asked.

"He might be, but not much any more. Now he works in the Southern Isles and has a busy job, but he sometimes comes to see me and Mama. He likes it when I call him 'Dad' rather than 'Papa'- he said that 'Dad' sounds more fun. Dad is a lot more fun than Mama!" Jorgen whispered at the end.

Iduna hoped it was the other way round for her daughters! She longed to be with Elsa and Anna again, having fun and adventures together. At least Jorgen was around, but it was uncertain how long it would be for.

It would be a long time until his father would next visit, but Jorgen wrote to his father and received letters back quite often. Jorgen suggested to Iduna that they could both write in the letter, and send it in a few days.

Iduna liked the idea of it, and thought it would be a good chance to thank Mr Bjorgen for his writing.

"You can stay for longer, Iduna. Maybe we could stay here in the barn overnight, if you like. I'll tell you a bedtime story that my dad told me. It's about a penguin, a puffin and reindeer!"

"Oh, that'd be fun, Jorgen! Will your mama let me stay though? I wonder where she's gone."

"She's probably fallen asleep in the house. I'll go and check. You can come too - tiptoe behind with me!"

Jorgen and Iduna tiptoed into the house. They grinned at hearing Jorgen's mum snoring loudly from a side room.

"Mama, please can Iduna stay overnight? We'll be okay in the barn" Jorgen asked his mother softly.

To Iduna's surprise, Jorgen's mother heard, replying sleepily, "Yeah, sure. We're all going to a special place tomorrow, Iduna. Goodnight, both of you, sleep well."

"Goodnight to you too! Looking forward to tomorrow."

"Thank you, thank you, Mama! Goodnight, don't let the frostbite bite!"

As Jorgen's mother began to snore again, he and Iduna quietly returned to the barn. Once they got ready, they realised it was approaching midnight.

Iduna and Noaidi the reindeer listened to the sweet story told by Jorgen, in his father's uplifting words:
"...the penguin finally met his puffin pen pal, and they both took the reindeer to Arendal. The end!"

"I loved that story, you had great expression too!"

Jorgen smiled at Iduna's praise. "Thank you.." he replied, followed by a yawn.

"You're very welcome, darling." Iduna replied softly. "I'd say it's time for bed!"

"Sing me a song, Iduna...please!"

"Okay, snuggle up! "

As she sang, she gently stroked the bridge of Jorgen's nose. He fell asleep during the second verse, though Iduna carried on singing.

This was very reminiscent of when Iduna sang to her little daughters, thirteen-and-a-half years ago.

That same lullaby Iduna's mother sang when she was little had remained true to her, even if Iduna still hadn't made it to Ahtohallan in her forty-four years.

Iduna's voice still maintained its youthful pure tone. However, she had since developed more power in her voice. For the final verse, Iduna left the barn and performed out in the midnight air.

"Where the northwind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory!
Come, my darling homeward bound
When all is lost... then all is found."

Once Iduna finished, she heard a round of applause. It sounded like two people, but Jorgen was fast asleep in the barn. The clapping came from the house. Iduna turned around calmly, and Jorgen's parents soon emerged, blessed to have found such a magical voice.

"Your are- beautiful!" Jorgen Senior praised, almost lost for words.

"Oh, thank you!" Iduna replied happily.

"It's true. So true. You are a chosen one, Iduna. Tomorrow, well, today's evening, you must go with us to a very special cave," Jorgen's mother continued.

"I get a feeling about many people and places. This cave will certainly project your voice to Ahtohallan, and to your most magical loved one to reach the river. Your first daughter, Queen Elsa."

Iduna was in awe of this possibility, for she longed to call her daughters, especially Elsa.

Mr Jorgen Bjorgen's clairsentience was magnificent, and it seemed that Elsa's clairaudience as well as her magic were significant in this too.

"It will take some time and practice, but one day, I am truly certain that you will be able to call Elsa to Ahtohallan."

"For now, let's get some rest. I've had a bit, but you two must be rather tired."

The three wished each other well, and Iduna returned to the barn. She was tired, but at the same time very excited to go to this special cave.

I am the one I've been waiting for!

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