Re-emerging magic & reindeer: Part II

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"That would be wonderful..." Iduna replied after daydreaming for a moment, "How does it work?"

"I'll tell you more in a few moments."

"Finally, we're home! Mama, can we have hot chocolate in the barn?"

"Of course, Jorgen, but get the reindeer inside now, and make sure the barn's tidy. Oh, and here are some carrots for Noaidi; Gollas has already had his milk."

"Okay Mama!" he replied as he cheerfully went over to the reindeer, encouraging them to come inside for the night.

"Is that okay with you, Iduna?"

"Sounds brilliant! Would you like any help in the kitchen?" Iduna asked enthusiastically. She wanted to try and be helpful to others again- she hadn't been of direct help to anyone recently.

"Mm, yes please - come along. Jorgen's mother replied. "I am so sorry for the insult earlier. Really terrible to anyone, let alone a queen. I really should be more accepting of others."

"It's okay. Though that's true - accepting others might get you further, too. "

"I accept you now, Iduna. Jorgen definitely does. He doesn't befriend other children, and it's not often that he makes friends with anyone other than the reindeer. Yet he's befriended you - and that feels really special."

"Aww, thank you," Iduna replied to the compliment. "I bet Jorgen will enjoy the rest of this evening."

Iduna loosely tied her hair back, washed her hands and started to arrange some sweet treats on a plate whilst the hot chocolate was being prepared over the fire by Jorgen's mother. Again, Iduna felt a little bit greedy sharing in others' food without bringing any of her own to share. It was heartening to hear from others that her presence amongst them made up for it.

Just then, Iduna remembered to tell Jorgen's mother about her possible sightings of Kristoff and Sven, all those years ago. Surprisingly, Jorgen's mother was fully convinced that Iduna had indeed seen Kristoff and Sven that evening.

"Oh! The trolls must have taken them in. So cruel not to tell us - my parents and I were so upset. But he's still there with them? Or, now that he's older, has he found someone in the town?"

"He might've moved to Arendelle. I wonder if my Elsa and Anna know Kristoff and Sven? I would send a letter, but letters addressed to the King and Queen from supposed 'commoners' were often dismissed and didn't make it to us. Though for special occasions, we received plenty of cards, flowers, and the finest chocolates from the congregation outside! That was really nice. Sorry, I got a bit carried away there."

"It's okay. Maybe they do know each other."

"Maybe. Who knows, they might all be best friends, along with a talking snowman!" Iduna seemingly joked, not knowing that her prediction was spot-on.

Jorgen's mother took it as a joke; it seemed rather out-of-the-blue. She chuckled nonetheless.

They took the sweet treats and mugs of hot chocolate over to the barn area, and met Jorgen with the reindeer. He had done a nice job of arranging some hay bales to sit on.
Jorgen's smile widened as Iduna and his mother came over with the treats.

"Can I feed Noaidi with Iduna, Mama?"

"Yes - once we've had some hot chocolate and cookies!" Jorgen's mother suggested as she added two extra lumps of sugar to her hot chocolate. "You want some sugar too, Iduna?"

"I'm fine, thanks - the hot chocolate is just right for me."

Iduna used to think that she might have a sweet tooth, but now realised that if she did, hers was only mild!

"Oh, Mama. Too much sugar is not very good for you. You should eat more vegetables, like the reindeers."

As Iduna chuckled at Jorgen's good advice, his mother replied, "Oh, I know, you're healthy, I'm not. But you don't get so tired. The extra sugar helps keep me awake."

After they had finished their hot chocolate break, Jorgen's mother went back to the house, leaving Iduna and Jorgen to their own devices.

The two of them went to feed Noaidi the reindeer. Jorgen was a bit short to reach her as she was standing up, so Iduna offered to carry him. The reindeer was so peaceful, and didn't flinch as Iduna patted her head, also feeding some carrots.

Noaidi enthusiastically munched on the carrots, and once she'd finished, she curled up next to the baby reindeer Gollas. Jorgen told Iduna that Gollas' mother had passed away, and that Noaidi was the one who had been like a mother to the calf since then.

"Who chose your name, Noaidi? They must have been fond of magic."

Jorgen nodded. "My dad chose her name, and I'm named after him."

Ah, his father appreciates magic. Another Jorgen Bjorgen? Perhaps that's how Elsa came up with the name?

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