Map Days: Part I

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1836, Arendelle

Finally, one of Iduna's lifelong dreams was soon to come to reality. She had explained to Agnarr that going to Ahtohallan would truly let them find out where Elsa's ice magic originated from. So that the ship crew would know where to sail to, they should get a map.

Iduna and Agnarr found a cartographer in town; he was known as Mr. Halverson. His twin sister, Lady Halverson, was one of the Arendellians soldiers, the only female soldier, who went on the journey to the Enchanted Forest. Some of the soldiers including herself hadn't returned since. The mist enclosed the forest, trapping them and the Northuldra. Almost all of Iduna's immediate family. 28 years had passed.

"Good morning, Your Majesties," greeted Mr. Halverson.

"Please, feel free to call us Agnarr,"

"And Iduna. How are you, sir? "

"I am well, thank you. I hope you are both well, Iduna and Agnarr. What can I do for you?"

"We would like a map, dated 1840 to round up the numbers, of Arendelle and...the North. Please." Agnarr stated.

"A journey passing the lands of the Northuldra, the people of the sun...across the Dark Sea, to...Ahtohallan!" Iduna described enthusiastically.

"Wow, that sounds like a great journey to take on. When are you intending to depart from Arendelle?"

"Probably in a few weeks' time, towards the end of summer. I've known about the river for such a long time, it would be wonderful to be able to go there..."
Iduna replied hopefully.

Mr. Halverson agreed to help Iduna with creating the map for the ambitious journey. "But first, I need to dig through the various archives for the lands north of Arendelle, which may take a little while."

Iduna and Agnarr waited together for about half an hour, until Agnarr got a bit impatient. "I might as well catch up with packing," Agnarr mumbled to Iduna. "And that book I was reading."

"That's alright, I'm fine with waiting here. You get on with your reading- and early packing!" Iduna returned, lightly teasing at Agnarr's habits.

Iduna was much more patient, and was willing to stay all day if she had to. Without Agnarr around, perhaps she could discover even more about the surrounding lands, and perhaps those archives contain notes from Northuldrans, her family back in the forest. Agnarr explained to Mr Halverson that he had some work to do back at the castle. The kind cartographer understood that Agnarr was somewhat uninterested in this process, so he allowed Agnarr to leave until the map was completed. Agnarr wished them well in progressing with the map, shaking hands with Mr. Halverson and briefly placing his hand on Iduna's shoulder. "See you soon!" Iduna said as she waved Agnarr bye for the remainder of the day.

As soon as Agnarr left and the door was closed, Mr. Halverson came in front of the counter and walked over to a small table and chairs, signalling to Iduna that they go and sit down there instead.

"Hey Iduna, call me Odion. I don't really let others call me by my first name, but you are a friend of mine now. So, are you from the Northuldra?"

Iduna chuckled, realising that Odion was glad that Agnarr had left early. "Haha, hi Odion. Thanks for accepting me as a friend- yes, I am a Northuldra. I arrived in Arendelle when I was 12 years old after saving Agnarr," (Iduna told Odion of how she escaped the battle and ended up in Arendelle) "and I seem to be in the opposite place to your sister."

"What an awesome story! It's reassuring knowing that the Northuldra are kind, brave, people like you- at least my sister isn't alone with the other Arendelle soldiers. Some of them were as proud and... big-headed as Runeard. Destin Mattias had a heart. He's stuck in the forest too, it seems. You must miss your family back there."

Iduna eagerly followed Odion's praise for her family, and felt deeply for Odion's sister, and Destin Mattias, and of course, her own family, all stuck in the forest for so long. Iduna and Odion both felt this pain, but stayed brave for their family near and far.

After a few quiet minutes, they went to look through some awesome notes from the past.

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