Re-emerging magic & reindeer: Part I

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Jorgen ran over to his mother whilst holding Iduna's hand, bringing her along. "Hooray, we can play with the reindeer!" cheered Jorgen as Iduna laughed.

The boy's mother involuntarily curtsied to Iduna. With a grin, Iduna responded, "Oh, it's fine, you don't need to curtsy to me!" The woman shyly looked down at her feet, not looking up. Jorgen looked up at his mother in confusion. "Mama? Can we go and show the reindeer to Iduna now?" She nodded briefly, widening her eyes at the mention of reindeer.

Iduna had been observing the woman now that they were close up. She had hazel eyes and blonde hair in a bun and looked tired yet quite young, likely closer to Elsa's age than her own. There was something rather secretive about Jorgen's mother. True, Iduna was sometimes a bit secretive herself, but enjoyed standing out and being somewhat non-conformist.

This young woman seemed quite rule-abiding. Nevertheless, Iduna felt that those who loved reindeer were sure to be pleasant acquaintances to her, even if that was the only interest they shared. 

The three of them began walking into the village as a soft breeze began to pick up. The rain had stopped, though nightfall was approaching.

"I haven't seen any reindeer for ages. When I was little, I once looked after a baby reindeer. They're really warm and gentle, aren't they?"

"Yes, so cuddly! We have a baby reindeer and a big reindeer. She is super speedy at running." Jorgen replied.

"Yeah, we do," Jorgen's mother finally replied. "I love reindeer. My favourite one was baby Sven- my little brother mostly looked after him. My brother's name is Kristoff." She gave a little smile and looked back down.

Iduna smiled back at her and Jorgen, and thought that somehow, Kristoff and  Sven resembled some familiar characters.

A young boy, probably aged eight like Elsa was at the time, was wandering around in the forest with a baby reindeer. If it hadn't been an emergency, she might have stopped and at least greeted the child and reindeer.

That was the last time Iduna remembered seeing a reindeer- it was more than 13 years ago, when she sped through the Valley of the Living Rock on a horse, carrying an unconscious Anna. After the trolls approached them, she was sure that she spotted the pair again, but didn't mention it to Agnarr in case it gave the impression that she was oblivious to the situation they were in. She was quite aware that the icy accident might have caused Elsa to be a bit fearful, but hadn't expected it to impact their daughters' sibling relationship years later. 

"We lived quite close to Arendelle for a bit. I haven't seen my brother or Sven since I was ten. He...was kidnapped one night. Kristoff was eight. So he'd be twenty-two now. If he's still out there-"  Jorgen's mother added, until she broke down in tears.

Iduna put a reassuring arm around her, as Jorgen hugged his mother in an attempt to comfort her. He was only six, but understood her pain whenever she told of Kristoff's disappearance. 

"I'm sure they're still out there, with some good friends."

Suddenly a thought occurred to Iduna. 

Woah! Kristoff, and Sven the reindeer, exactly match the pair I saw in the Valley of the Living Rock that night. Elsa would also be twenty-two. And Anna's just turned nineteen. Even the ages match.

She wondered for a moment whether to share this information right now. 

Perhaps I'll wait until we get there. Kristoff and Sven might have been taken in by the trolls. Or they're somewhere in Arendelle.

Eventually, Jorgen's mother settled down, and they continued on their way to the house. 

"You two are great, but you know what else?"

"What?" responded Jorgen and Iduna.

"Reindeers are better than people..." Jorgen's mother sang, slightly off-key.

Jorgen and Iduna smiled at the singing, and a minute later, they reached a humble house next to a patch of land.

"The baby's name is Gollas, and the grown-up reindeer is Noaidi."

"Noaidi and Gollas - you are two beautiful reindeer!"

A reindeer was grazing on the grass outside, and she looked up as a little one began to magically fly up in the air.

"Woah, Gollas has never done that before! Iduna, did you see that?"

"I did. That's happened to me before- I was friends with the Wind Spirit in the forest. Maybe she's returned to me."

"You made that happen? Wow, you control air magic!"

Iduna nodded. "I used to, many years ago. For a long time I couldn't, until just then."

"Iduna, do you know how to do kulning calls?" Jorgen's mother asked.

"That's another thing I used to be able to do. I'll try: Ah-ah-ah-ah!"

Jorgen and his mother were stunned. Iduna's voice sounded youthful and pure, and spiritually powerful. With some practice, she might be able to project her voice to connect with someone far away.

"That was beautiful, Iduna, so pure and... magical!" Jorgen's mother complimented as he applauded.

"Oh, thank you!" Iduna was very happy that her childhood talents were suddenly coming back to her now.

"Hey, it has not worked brilliantly for me, but there is a way to spiritually connect with others far away. It's best to choose a person really close to you."

Iduna hadn't heard about this before, and was rather interested. Elsa was probably Queen of Arendelle now- her lifestyle may have become a lot busier.

What if she could connect with her daughters, find out how they've been doing?

Perhaps this could lead Elsa and Anna to new adventures...

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