Map Days: Part III

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Iduna suddenly realised something about five minutes after she started walking back.

"Oh, I forgot- the gates will be closed." Agnarr was probably too deep in his reading to have remembered, or asleep. "I'd better not wake anyone up this early in the morning," Iduna mumbled, slightly disappointed.

Luckily she wasn't too disheartened at the situation, since she had only just left Hudson's Hearth. "I hope Halima's still up. I'll go back and see if she has a spare room for me to stay in."

On her way back to the inn, Iduna could smell something sweet and luxurious.
"Mmm...what is that amazing smell?"

Iduna continued walking; the rich scent became stronger as she got nearer to the inn. She discovered that it came from inside. Iduna knocked and entered, where she saw Halima and Vera, who was one of Arendelle's best chocolatiers. They greeted each other and allowed Iduna to come into the kitchen and see the treats they had been making.

"Chocolate!" Iduna said in awe, as she gazed at the intricate process that Halima and Vera used to create the delightful chocolates.

As well as taking in the beautiful sight and smell, Iduna randomly pondered on possible reason that the two ladies made chocolate so early in the morning.

Perhaps the humidity of the air is best at this time, or maybe it's so they don't draw in too many customers at peak times to this already very successful family business!

Some of chocolates Halima and Vera prepared had just set a little earlier. They offered some to Iduna. She carefully snapped a chunk off and savoured its wonderful taste, thanking the ladies and grinning. The three of them chuckled.

Whenever they choose the best time to make chocolate, I bet it nearly always turns out this excellent.

"So, Iduna, what brought you back- was it the chocolate? Or the ginger beer?" Halima teased.

Iduna beamed at the suggestion briefly, but knew that she returned to ask about the possibility of staying in a room for a while until late morning.

"I remembered that the gates would be closed; no-one would be awake there to open the gates now. Sorry to be an inconvenience, but would it be possible to stay over, please? I have a few speciedaler with me to pay-"

"It's fine, your Majesty, no need to apologise. I have a spare room that you are welcome to stay in as long as you need so that you can get some rest." Vera kindly offered.

Iduna looked relieved. "Oh, thank you, so very much!"

"No worries, our darling Queen, of course you can stay! You're certainly not required to pay either! I'd better have a snooze too." Halima added.

They smiled again, and soon wished each other a good sleep; Iduna was led to the cosy room, which was simple, but more than satisfactory for Iduna. She even got to wear some fuzzy pyjamas that reminded her of the part of her childhood with the cosy forest nights.

The room's window was small, but was clearer to look through without the diagonal muntin bars that the castle windows had. If she squinted her eyes, Iduna could just about see the green roofs of the castle in the distance.

"Goodnight, my little snow Elsa, Anna, Agnarr, everyone else. Or good morning...I'll be back soon, though I find it rather nice here."

She soon fell asleep, but briefly woke up a few hours later, shedding a few tears at a sad thought.

Despite her luck, Iduna hadn't been able to return to the forest and see her own first family. The royal family she was in now, though lovely, felt rather separated. It was partly her own fault that she didn't speak up about how she could help Elsa to embrace her powers rather than letting her keep them concealed. Ten years was too long.

After sniffling for a moment, Iduna settled herself down and tried to think clearly.

Does Elsa know about my past? I want to tell her more - before I leave for the voyage. It's only a few weeks away. We say it'll be two weeks, but I am not really sure. Should I mention Ahtohallan and the journey's route? Maybe not. Just get across that it is an important trip, reassuring that she and her sister will be okay.

Iduna sighed, and went back to sleep, soon detaching from her worries. She had a joyous dream of dancing in the air with the Wind Spirit.

In the dream, the season was autumn.
A refreshing time where change came for the better. Snowfall and icy reunions would occur soon.


Years later, Iduna still hoped to reunite her family. Yet now, she had a feeling that many things had been solved by her two bright daughters since.

Despite their different personalities, the sisters both had an adventurous spirit within them, and the thirst to discover more.

And, wherever she was, for however long, Iduna would always be there to guide them.

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