Finding the voice: Part 1

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"Jorgen...are you awake?" Iduna whispered.

"Mm-hm" Jorgen responded. "I don't feel sleepy."

Iduna, on the other hand, was still as tired as when she went to bed.  Constant anticipation of the evening ahead was keeping her up.

"What's the time?" she replied, turning over to face Jorgen.

Luckily he had a pocket watch on him, and the lighting, though dim, was just enough to be able to read the time.

"The little hand is near three, and the long hand is at four - twenty past three in the morning. Dad will be happy that I can read the time now!"

"You clever boy."

Jorgen smiled at the praise and asked,
"Please could you do the singing again, Iduna? I think I was asleep before the end of the song."

Iduna laughed, or at least she tried too.

"That sounded whispery! How did you do that?"

Something was odd about that laugh, because Iduna had lost her voice.

Oh dear, it's not a convenient day for this to happen, either. I did speak more than usual yesterday. Almost how many years have I not spoken that much, 15?


"Sorry! I don't know, but... I don't think my voice is working."

"Are you sure? It was there before, when you were singing, will it come back later?"

"I really hope so," Iduna sighed as she sat up, "because in the evening I wish to sing at the new place we're going to."

If she succeeded at that, Iduna might get to speak to Elsa, in Ahtohallan. Even if they were physically far away, their voices could still join from afar.

It would be a dream come true.

"I hope your voice comes back soon too. It's very beautiful when you sing."

Iduna's smile widened. "Thank you. Okay, let's go back to sleep. What time do you wake up?"

"At nine o'clock when we are all at home in the morning. Mama and Dad both snore a lot!"

Iduna grinned. "Me as well?"

I don't think so, you are much quieter than they are."

"Heh, that's alright then."

"This is their snoring, Mama most of all! Jorgen said, demonstrating a loud snore afterwards.

Iduna and Jorgen chuckled quietly with each other.

Usually, Jorgen wouldn't really share his playful humour in front of others, but it felt fine with Iduna. He soon settled down and fell asleep again.

Lying back down again, Iduna stared up at the ceiling in thought.

Hopefully by the evening I'll get my voice back. I really, really want to know that Elsa and Anna are happy, together, maybe even see them all again, perhaps even sing with Elsa...

At ten minutes to nine, according to Jorgen's reading of the watch, it was about time for them to get up.

"Good morning! Is your voice back?"

Iduna rubbed her eyes and blinked them open, turning towards Jorgen.

"Ah.." Iduna attempted to sing, though it remained a whisper. "Good morning, Jorgen. No, not yet."

"Oh. Maybe Mama can make a nice honey drink for you."

Iduna nodded, as they tidied away and got ready.  Outside, they went to greet the two reindeer, listening to birds chirping lively notes.

After a few minutes, they entered the house, where Jorgen's parents were preparing breakfast.

"Hi, good morning," Iduna whispered with a smile as she slowly stepped through the doorway.

"Morning Iduna, Jorgen." Jorgen's mother replied, briefly turning around.

"A very good morning to you both," older Jorgen welcomed, hugging his young son.

"Good morning, Dad and Mama!"

"How did you sleep?"

"Not bad, thank you."

"Oh Iduna, where's your voice gone?" Hey, don't whisper, rest your voice. I'll make a warm honey drink for you."

"Yes, it's best you keep your voice rested. It might return later. Here, wear this scarf, and this for you to write down anything."

Iduna smiled at the help they were offering. Mr Bjorgen handed her an indigo-dyed woolly scarf with a light lavender scent. He also gave Iduna a little notepad and a fountain pen.

Immediately, Iduna wrote down 'Thank you' and showed the page to the other three. They replied in unison, "You're welcome!"

After breakfast and the soothing honey drink, little Jorgen and his parents welcomed Iduna into their living room, or parlour, as they called it. It was a humble but warm and well-kept room.

Iduna spent the remainder of daylight hours there, staring out of the window, doodling, and momentarily getting up to communicate with the others.

Jorgen played a few rounds of charades with Iduna too. One time, Iduna pretended to be a shooting star, using the scarf. Jorgen was a penguin, and simply put his raincoat on and waddled around.

When Iduna started laughing at him, after some hours of keeping quiet, her voice returned.

"Hooray, my voice is back!"

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