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A Wonderful Unidentified Place, 1843

The evening sky looked so beautiful; daytime blue merged with warm hues, soon painted over with purple. Although the time for the true Midnight Sun was still a few months away, Iduna found that any sunset could be as spectacular as Northern Lights that she had the privilege to watch. This sunset had a cheerful yet mysterious aura to it, very much like herself.

Iduna was now free to be close to nature again. Like when she was little, a Northuldra child. Similarly to then, her brown curly hair waved around in the breeze. It may not have been her old friend, the Wind Spirit, but Iduna felt as if the wind was whispering something. Change is near, it will come for the better, it seemed to be saying to her.

Witnessing her daughters Anna and Elsa being kept apart for a decade was painful, though Iduna rarely expressed such feelings. Instead, she detached herself from the many troubles of the past and came up with ideas. She had an idea about Ahtohallan and Elsa's ice powers being linked - that Ahtohallan was the source of Elsa's magic.

Iduna finally had a chance to go and find answers from the precious river of memories that she'd believed in for ages. However, the one she wished to travel with - Elsa- was far too frightened to even leave Arendelle's castle. Agnarr would inevitably come along with Iduna, but at least it made the trip seem more convincing. They made up that they were going to the Southern Seas on an important trip, yet they were really going north, across the Dark Sea, en route to Ahtohallan.

It had been almost seven years since Queen Iduna and King Agnarr's disappearance from Arendelle, and of everyone else's on the fateful voyage. Iduna tried to lead her royal-born friend to safety as they swam for their lives in the Dark Sea, like how she saved him from the battle in the forest all those years ago. It seemed that Agnarr hadn't been so fortunate this time. If he had survived too, it seemed that he was quite far from Iduna now.

Returning back to Arendelle with no suitable form of transport would be rather tricky now. Iduna hadn't yet discovered the forest's situation, otherwise, she would go and stay with her family back home. Iduna was truly thankful for having survived the shipwreck. Plus escaping from that battle, all those years ago. It was bittersweet to reflect upon, but Iduna proved her resilience. Not quite a run- away, but she was a stowaway, castaway, and Queen of Arendelle for 20 years. She chuckled at herself and began to speak softly.

"Speaking to thin air. I remember those days back home in the Enchanted Forest, haha. At least I can speak freely again, not worrying about keeping things a secret anymore. Oh, Elsa, Anna, I hope you two are well. I bet you have found each other again- maybe you have even found yourselves. I wonder if they're seeing this wonderful sunset as well."

After gazing at the stunning sunset until nightfall, Iduna strolled back to the little house. The little house was made by her and a local family of a brother and sister with their parents, who helped Iduna to build the house. They also kindly provided accommodation for her in their home during the construction.

Along with herself, a small luggage case ended up on the shore on the night of the shipwreck. A miniature sketch of herself with Elsa and Anna made it with her, thanks to the watertight case.

After washing and changing into a nightgown, she loosely tied her hair back, and rearranged the sleeping area. She laid down some hay and draped a soft blanket over it, then positioned a small but satisfactory cotton pillow for her head. Iduna carefully tucked the sweet little drawing under her pillow.

"Goodnight, my darlings!", Iduna whispered, as she smiled at her daughters in the picture, snuggled up with a spare blanket and blew out the candle beside her.

Soon enough, Iduna drifted off into a deep sleep. It wouldn't be long until many wonderful surprises awaited her.

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