Chapter Ten: Trains and cars, Dreams, Mandrakes, and Pixies

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It has been two weeks since our trip to Diagon Alley. Hermione and myself have been helping Harry with his homework since he was not allowed to do it, and we also help Ron who procrastinated with his. Jess didn't have any since she was just starting, but she did sit with us for the review. When we were not doing that, the rest, not including Hermione or myself, were playing a mock game of Quidditch. I don't play because I prefer to watch and Hermione is afraid of flying. Jess loves playing it though, she said she may try out for her house's team. The rest of the summer wasn't anything to mention. It was now the day that we were to go to King's Cross to take the train back to Hogwarts. And we arrived at the station very late.

"10:58! Come on! Come on!" Arthur exclaimed to us.

"The train will be leaving any moment!" Molly added, "Fred, George, Percy you first!" They entered the barrier followed by Jess and Ginny. After them was myself and Hermione. And behind was Harry and Ron. We said goodbye to the Weasleys and made it on the train just in time. The four of us were able to get a compartment to ourselves. A few friends stopped by to chat for a bit, like Neville, Seamus, Dean, Lavender, the Patil twins, and Cedric, just to name a few. They all introduced themselves to Jess and Ginny while I was playing with Barry.

Jess then asked, "where's Harry and Ron?"

"Weren't they right behind us?" Hermione asked.

I was about to say something when I noticed something blue outside of the window. "Hey Gin, what color is your dad's car again?"

"Light blue. Why?" Ginny responded.

"Because it is flying alongside the train right now and Harry's about to fall from it!" I exclaimed.

"What!" the three of them exclaimed in unison as they dashed to the window to see what I saw. We then see Harry get back into the car after almost falling out.

"They're going to be alright, right?" Ginny asked.

"Probably," Jess replied. We then got back to our seats and talked for a while longer. I then felt Hermione's head fall onto my shoulder as she snored softly. This caused me to blush.

"You fancy her don't you Y/N?" Ginny asked me with a grin on her face and Jess's face. And for my response I must have blushed harder as before I said anything Ginny said, "I knew it!" Without waking Hermione up.

"And you fancy Harry," I said causing her to blush and Jess to giggle.

"M-moving on," Ginny squeaked out, now causing me to hold in a laugh. I decided to take a nap as well as it was not a bad idea. In my dream I found myself in a field that was covered in snow. The sky was covered in a singular cloud that covered the direct area I was in and it was snowing. There was a lack that was iced over and by the lake was a singular tree. Under the tree I spotted a person standing just staring into the lake, I began to make my way over to this person and I saw that it was Lance.

"Hello Lance."

"Hello Y/N."

"Where are we? And is this going to be how we communicate?"

"Well there are two answers for the first one. In the physical world, we are at the location where I found myself at most peace. If you were to go to your left for a little while you would see a little cabin sitting on the edge of the woods, my home. I always came here every morning and evening to see the sun rise and set. How I loved watching them."

"Physical world?" I didn't understand.

"Yes, physical world. The second answer is what I call 'the Inbetween.' A realm of that is in between that of dreams and reality. As for your second question no. We will be talking in the real world, but once and a while I will take you here. I wanted to ask you a question. How practical do you think are the skills you are learning from my journal?"

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