Chapter Nineteen: Almost a Good Day

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It has been a month after Hermione's birthday and today is the first trip to Hogsmeade. I feel excited, but with a hit of nervousness. Why? Well, it is just going to be me and Hermione. No, Ron as he is going with Dean and Seamus. No Jess, as she is going with Hannah Abbott, a really kind Hufflepuff. She said that she was also going to bring Barry with her. No Harry, as he couldn't get his forum signed and hasn't asked grandma yet. In a way this is a date since I asked her to go. The study sessions have started up again. Again, I am the head of our years group. A few other students from the year below us have transferred into our group. Most memorable being Ginny, Luna, and a couple of their friends. I found out that Fay Dumbar was the girl who's thoughts I read on the first day of this year. I could tell by the voice, but didn't say anything about, I mean how does one bring that up in a casual conversation. I think she may fancy Blaise as they work a lot in the sessions. Later I found out that I was correct when I overheard Fay ask him to Hogsmeade. And he said he would love to go with her. Anyway, we were now gathered together to hear the rules.

"Remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school that privilege shall not be extended again. No permission form signed, no visiting the village," grandma said. I was standing next to Hermione with our hands entangled with one another. I was wearing my leather jacket and my holster and scabbards with weapons in them. I changed how I wear my knife scabbards to be able to draw them with my left hand whereas before I would only be able to draw one with my left and the other with my right. The same rules applied for them as it did in the castle.

"Those with permission, follow me. Those without, stay put," Filch said.

Harry had apparently decided to ask grandma to sign it now, but she had to decline. "I told you, Mr. Potter, no permission sheet, no visits for you," she said to him. I guess he has tried before and this was a last try at it.

"I thought if you signed it, then I could," Harry said.

"I can't. Only a parent or guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate. I'm sorry Mr. Potter. That's my final word."

"You should've forged it and not have said anything to her now that I think about it," I said, getting a disapproving look from Hermione. "Ok I'm kidding." No I'm not. I said to Harry. "You gonna me alright?"

"Forget about it, guys. Go have fun on your date," he said with a sly smile and left causing us to blush as while I have mentally called this a date, I haven't said it out loud.

"We don't have to call it that if it makes you uncomfortable with it," I said to her.

"No!" She said suddenly. "I mean I would love to call it a date."

"Then a date it is," I said as I saw Blaise winked at me. That son of a bitch I mentally laughed to myself. "So where do you want to go first?" I asked as we got the carriages. We just rode and talked. I have been feeling a lot better since the boggart. I was haunted by the visions of it for a few days and couldn't sleep for long periods of time. I would be able to sleep for around an hour then wake up, fall back to sleep about fifteen to thirty minutes later, and then the cycle repeats again. Hermione was always there when I needed to talk about it and through this I feel that our friendship had gotten stronger and that I know I fancy her more than I previously did..

"I was thinking of the Post Office. I've been hearing that they have a color-coordinated system on how fast you want letters to be sent with two hundred or so owls!"

"Well if you're that excited about it, then it's first on the list." We soon arrived at Hogsmeade. We made our way through the village hand in hand. I really did enjoy her company. It is nice being with just her and no one else. When we stepped into the Post Office we both stood there in awe of how productive it was. I knew that color coordination was a useful organization tool, but this brought it to a new level. We were also able to see how it all worked, since we were students. We were able to hold some owls and it was nice. Hermione held a few as well.

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