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I woke up in the cabin that Lance told be to come to in fourth year. It was early morning as the sun just started to shine it's light onto the world. I look next to me and see Hermione sleeping next to me, holding onto my arm. Today is September 1st, the day that Damian L/N-Granger and Hayley L/N-Granger are going to start at Hogwarts along with Jason Weasley and Amy Dursley. It is also they day the Hermione and I would start as the Co-Headmasters after Mom and Dad decided to retire, but they would still be around.

My mind then starts to remember the last nineteen years, after the Battle of Hogwarts:

After the Battle of Hogwarts, the rebuilding process started. Dobby and the rest of the house elves were the most helpful, since they could all Apparate around the castle. It was close, but the school was able to reopen for the following term.

About halfway through the rebuilding Hermione and I went to Australia to give Wendell and Monica their memories back. It wasn't easy, but we were able to do it. We then made sure that they got back to their home in London.

While we did that Gellert, Bellatrix, and Colleen had each had a hearing at the Ministry. After the events of the Battle of Hogwarts, Gellert was granted a full release from Nurmengard Prison, but he would be able to go back to get some belongings and give Vinda Rosier a proper funeral. Bellatrix was also pardoned, since Colleen testified saying that Bellatrix did go to Voldemort in hopes of finding her husband and that he did us the Imperius Curse and Legilimency to alter her mind. Colleen was tried and almost sentenced to Azkaban, but she offered to give up her magic in exchange of not being sentenced to Azkaban. The Wizengamot deliberated for two and a half days before agreeing to this offer.

Dad, Colleen, and Gellert spent some time bonding with each another before Gellert decided that he wanted to spend a couple of years traveling the world. After being locked up for so long I don't blame him. Colleen had decided that she would write some books, since most of the wizard jobs are magically inclined. Bellatrix, Stephan, and Jess also spent some time together being a family. They also build a house over a hill from ours.

Hermione, Jess, and I then had our seventh year at Hogwarts as Harry and Ron became Aurors. It was a nice and quiet year. During it Hermione figured out that she wanted to become a professor instead of going into the Ministry. Jess had continued her studies to join the Ministry as well. Hermione and I were head boy and head girl for Gryffindor. Because Harry left, I had become the Quidditch team captain and we ended up winning in the end. It wasn't long before we graduated from Hogwarts.

After graduating, Hermione and I got married. We held the reception at Hogwarts and we, with help from Jess, planned it throughout the year. Harry and Ron were my best men, while Ginny and Jess where Hermione's bridesmaids. Everyone that we knew was there and Gellert made sure to come back from his trip to see it. Saying it was lovely is an understatement, but I don't know how else to describe it. I wore the Resurrection Stone necklace, so Dumbledore, Snape, Sirius, James, and Lily would be able to see it, even though I knew that they would anyway.

After the wedding, Hermione and I had gone to France for our honeymoon and that was very lovely on it's own. It was nice for it to be just the two of us, alone.

We then went back home after the honeymoon and started our teach career at Hogwarts. I started out as a Professor's assistant under Professor Slughorn, since I was going to teach potions. Hermione was starting out as the extra help Professor, a new position that was created based off of the idea of my study sessions. Since she was brilliant, the position was perfect for her.

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