Chapter Eleven: Tryouts, Voices, and Chambers

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Jess POV

It has been a few days and the Gryffindor Quidditch team is having tryouts today. I was going to try out for the chaser position. I met out with Harry in the common room before we made our way to the Great Hall to grab a quick breakfast and then go out to tryouts. Harry told me about some of the matches he was in last year. I asked him how he got on the team in first year and he told me about how Draco would not give back a remembrall that belonged to Neville. After about half an hour Y/N, Hermione, and Ron came for breakfast to wish us luck before we headed out. We left a short time later to change into our Quidditch robes. Angelina had given me a set of robes as I talked to her about Quidditch, not knowing she was on the team, and how I wanted to try out for it. She said she wanted to see how I performed and held an unofficial tryout before the official ones and said that she would talk to Oliver Wood, the team captain, about me making the team as I was very good. Harry, myself, and the rest of the team made our way to the court yard and Oliver was telling us, "I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program. We are gonna train earlier, harder, and longer." We then noticed the Slytherin team headed towards us as we were in the court yard about to go to the field. "What- I don't believe it!" Oliver continued, "where do you think you're goin', Flint?"

"Quidditch practice," the person who I guess is Marcus responded.

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today."

"Easy, Wood. I've got a note," Marcus said, pulling out the note and giving it to Oliver.

Y/N, Hermione, and Ron came over from the bench they were sitting on and Y/N said, "this is going to go well," sarcastically as he grabbed his sword in its scabbard.

"I smell trouble," Ron added.

Oliver then read the note that said the Snape gave them permission as they had to train their new seeker. "You've got a new Seeker. Who?" Wood asked. The team then moved a little to reveal Draco in the center as he then moved forward a little.

"Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"That's just great," Y/N said in our heads.

"That's right. And that's not all that new this year," Draco said while showing us his broom.

"Those are Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones! How did you get those?" Ron asked.

"A gift from Draco's father," Marcus told us.

"You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best," Draco taunted.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got it on pure talent," Hermione told him.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!" Draco exclaimed. I knew that he didn't like us muggleborns, but I never thought he would use such language.

Y/N then walked up to Draco and said, "what. Did. You. Say?!"

"A mudblood and so is your cousin. An orphan mudblood the worst kind." Tears started to well in my eyes. The air began to get colder, just like in Diagon Alley as Y/N then took his sword, that was in the scabbard, and hit Draco in the stomach with the hilt of it that sent him back a few feet.

"NO ONE TALKS ABOUT HERMIONE AND MY SISTER LIKE THAT," he yelled. My eyes widened as I thought, did he say "my sister?" Draco then got up and lunged punched Y/N giving him a black eye causing him to fumble a little.

Ron then stepped out with his wand out and said,"you'll pay for that one, Malfoy. Eat slugs!" But it backfired causing Ron to fly back a few feet.

Hermione went over to Y/N to see if he was alright, I went over to Ron with Harry and the rest of the Gryffindor team, while most of the Slytherin team were laughing. Only a few looked sorry at what just happened. "You okay, Ron? Say something!" I told him. Ron then vomited a slug

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