Chapter Thirty-one: Preparations

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It was the day of the wand weighing. Harry had been using my extra bed to avoid him. Ron still didn't believe that Harry didn't put his name into the Goblet and that Nick and I didn't know about the 11th article. A lot of our friends believed us that Harry didn't put his name in and that I didn't know about the rule. The Hufflepuffs believe me due to how surprised the professors were at hearing about the 11th article, but they still thought that Harry was trying to get the attention from Cedric. Only a handful of students were mad at me. Even most of the Slytherin House had my back, which was strange, but hey less drama. Yay! It was announced just yesterday that the study sessions would once again be returning, but I would not be leading them this year. Since we had so many people around, and that I was a champion, Dad was selected to be the leader of the sessions for our year. Nick and I trained every other day, as well. In our Common Room, we were treated as heroes and this made Ron even more mad.

"I did kill a Basilisk," I said.

"I've survived the killing curse," Harry added.

"Harry, you should write to Sirius. You've got to tell him about this! He would have gotten to know, I brought some parchment and a quill out with me," Hermione said.

"Won't that be too much? His godson and step-nephew being Triwizard Champions," Harry said.

"He would want to know. It would be better coming from you than when he finds out in the paper," I said.

"Okay, I'll write to him. Whose owl am I going to use? He told me not to use Hedwig again?" Harry asked.

"Can't ask Ron. Willow is a dead give away, too," Jess said.

"We could use our family owl," I suggested.

We headed to the Owlery and Harry had wrote his letter which said:

Dear Sirius,

You told me to keep you posted on what's happening at Hogwarts, so here it goes- I don't know if you've heard, but the Triwizard Tournament is happening this year and on Saturday night Y/N and I were picked as champions. I don't know who put my name into the Goblet of Fire, because I didn't. For Y/N there was a new rule that no one knew about saying that he and the other swordsman here have to be in the Tournament. The other Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff.

Hope you're okay and Buckbeak. So do the rest of us.


When the letter was sent we left the Owlery. Along the way we passed a group of the girls from Beauxbatons, who were eying me up. They then saw Hermione and went back to their conversation. She's so lucky! They thought. Thank Merlin I don't have to deal with girls after me. I can focus my energy on keeping Krum away. When lunch was over we had potions and made our way to Snape's dungeon. We found a small group of the Hufflepuffs along with Cedric who had looked worried as he mouthed the words, "Sorry Harry," but for what? Well it was the act of Crabbe and Goyle, and sadly Draco had to follow them along with it. We, at first, thought that they were the badges for S.P.E.W, but these had a different message on them:


"Like them? And this isn't all they do - look!" He said. Sorry, he thought. They then pressed the badge and the message now read.


"Want one?" Draco recently asked Hermione and Jess.

"Don't touch his hand, both of you. He's just washed it. Don't want a Mudblood slimming it up," Crabble said.

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