Chapter Thirty-eight: Trouble with the Ministry

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Summer has been really good so far. It was great to wake up each morning with Hermione next to me. Each morning we would wake each other with a kiss. I know that Jess wants the same thing that Hermione and I have, with Ron so we decided to give them a little push. Regardless, Jess was still in high spirits. Hermione took us around the town that she lived in. We went to the same spots that we did last time we were here and a few new ones. For some of our outings it would just be Hermione and I and Jess would stay back at the Granger home with Barry. Each night we would watch a Muggle movie and Hermione and I would cuddle each other. The two of us also were doing 'couple' things as Jess called it. Hermione would take a jacket or something when she was cold and I wanted to know everything about her. We told her parents that I was in an accident at school and had lost my eye, so they would not worry. They offered to take me to an optometrist, just to make sure everything was okay, but I had told them that Madam Pomfrey had done a good job healing it and whenever we would go out I wore my sunglasses to hide it. As for the sentence etched on my arm I tired every healing spell it could think of and researched, but it was still there. Krum had straightened out the lies that Rita Skeeter had wrote about me last year. I wrote to Fleur and Gabrielle a couple of times. Occasionally, I would think about Mom. I keep telling myself that I need to be patient and Lance will figure out a way to save her, since he knows more about Chaos than I do. And I am still wondering who the Swordswoman of Fire is. We found out what Dad, Grandfather, and Sirius, apparently, have been planning. Sirius owned a place called 12 Grimmauld Place as Dad said in a letter.

Dear Y/N and Jess.

Everything has been finished for Grimmauld Place and can now be lived in. If you three could come within the next few days it would be appreciated. The Order of the Phoenix is here along with Remus, Tonks, and the Weasleys. They would like to speak to you, Y/N. I would use the Floo Network, since you haven't been here before. There has been no word from Harry or the Dursleys and we are planning to check on him very soon. The plan is that Y/N and Hermione will share a room and Jess and Ginny will share another room. When Harry gets here he will share with Ron, so don't worry about the rooms.



There was also another note thrown in that has the handwriting of Fred or George:


Ron had been talking about you a lot. All good things. Perhaps you and him will be the next big couple since Y/N and Hermione.

When we were done reading the letter and note Hermione and I looked at Jess, who was blushing a little. We decided to let her have this and not tease her a little about it as we went upstairs to pack our things. "I hope that you all have a good year. Please take care of Hermione Y/N." Monica said.

"Of course. I'll keep my eye on her," I said, snickering at my unintentional pun.

"You're really going to make eye puns now?" Hermione asked.

"It was unintentional," I said kissing her cheek.

"It was nice to see you again as well Jess," Wendall added.

I then got the Floo Powder ready for the three of us to go. We then took some of the powder, entered, and said, "12 Grimauld Place!"

When we arrived he found that Dad and Molly were in the living room. Sirius had now just entered as if they were waiting for us. Dad and Molly saw us and gave us all a hug. "Great. We're all here, minus Harry. I'll take you to the rooms," Dad said.

"Congratulations on your relationship. I heard from Ron, Ginny, and the twins," Molly said.

"Thank you," Hermione said, taking my hand as we were then taken to our rooms. When we were done unpacking we went to the room where Ron was staying as Jess soon joined us.

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