Chapter Fourteen: Tragedy Strikes

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Sadly Hermione had to stay in the hospital wing for a while still as she had her cat like features. I had promised to her that I would visit her each day and when lessons were back I would write copies of the notes so she could catch up. When I went back to the common room I saw that Jess was playing with Barry. Dad had gotten us a few treats to be able to give to him at our leisure. During the holiday break Jess and I agreed to alternate who had him each day. Harry and Ron were just talking to each other. They then noticed that I was back and asked where I was. I told them that I was with Hermione, leaving out that we shared the bed as I don't want to be teased more than the trio were already doing to me. Later in the day I brought her a few things, books mainly. After that I returned to the other and we decided to play with a deck of muggle cards. I taught them how to play black jack, palace, and president (A/N: or tycoon. This game goes by a few different names).


Hermione has been in the hospital wing for a while, but today is her last day there. I have been keeping my promise about helping her catch up. Nothing has happened with the voice that Harry and I have heard a few times and no one has been petrified, which is a good thing. I do feel like this is a false sense of security though and still have my guard still up. The study sessions have proven to be a very good thing as the students that I have helped have told me that they feel like they understand the material a lot better then they did before. I was headed back to the common room with Jess and ran into Harry and Ron, which were going there too. We walked together and told them about the update on Hermione but then saw a puddle coming from the bathroom, more specifically Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"What's that?" Harry asked, mentioning the puddle.

We then entered and found Myrtle was wailing, "Oooh, oooh, ooooh, huh– huh. Come to throw something else at me?"

"Why would I throw something at you?" Harry asked.

"Don't ask me! Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me," Myrtle replied.

"But, it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean, it'll just go right through you," Ron said.

I then elbowed him and whispered, "not the point Ron."

"It's offensive towards ghosts," Jess added.

"Sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle because she can't feel it! Ten points if you get through her stomach! Fifty points if it goes through her head!" She exclaimed.

"But, who threw it at you, anyway?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the cubicle thinking about death - aah - and it fell through the top of my head," and she pointed to the object, being a book, and then cried leaving us. It was at this point I realized two things. One, she could pass as a female Harry. And two, she freaks me out. Harry then went up and picked up the book. We then looked at it as he skimmed through the pages and we found that it was blank. He then turned it over and we found that there was a name on the back of it that read Tom Marvalo Riddle.

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