Chapter Forty-four: New Headmaster

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Hermione POV

The entire Great Hall was silent and waiting for Y/N's speech.

"I am pleased to announce my beginning as Headmaster," he started, "I'm sure that you all have your questions on how a fellow student is now Headmaster, but first I would like to get to business-"

"I think you should start with that L/N," Umbridge said.

"It's Mr. L/N to you Dolores, but very well. I have been studying under Albus Dumbledore for two, going on three, years as his apprentice so naturally I would be the next Headmaster if he was removed as long as I had the votes of the Professors-."

"I wasn't asked and I vote no!" Umbridge said.

"But you have not been here for five years or more outside of a student, so your vote doesn't count. Only the professors that have been teaching at Hogwarts were able to vote. Professors Hagrid and Professor Scamander were able to vote because Professor Hagrid had been on the grounds for many years over five and Professor Scamander had done some years of independent study. The second requirement for me to take the position was to take mu O.W.L.s, which-"

"You didn't!" Umbridge added again.

"In fact I did. I took them right after winter break and passed them. Do not interrupt me again Dolores," he sternly told her. "My first act is to abolish Professor Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad as we all know that it was created to only bring harm onto our students. Adding to that, you will see on the Ministry Decree wall only a handful are still there. I have abolished all Decrees that I find to bring harm or are utter rubbish. Have it be known that any students may have the Quibbler and will not be expelled for it. Student organizations are back and I am reinstating the study sessions. The leaders of these will be announced later in the week upon review. Any player that was banned from Quidditch has been reviewed and their brooms are waiting for them in their dorms, except those that have had a serious offense. Anyone with one of these offenses will be banned for the rest of the term, but they can have their broom. For the rest of the changes please see the Decree wall."

"I was not notified about this!" Umbridge exclaimed.

"Ah, thank you for reminding me Dolores. You took my effects earlier in the year and I would be liking them back before the end of the day in the same condition that I was forced to leave them in. Regrettably, Decree twenty-three cannot be abolished, but the professors and I have decided that the powers of the High Inquisitor will revert back to how the Ministry set them. This is not Azkaban. This is Hogwarts School. During the summer break I will be announcing the next full time Headmaster, as that is my responsibility and the Ministry cannot interfere with it."

The hall erupted in cheers and applause. Everyone was clapping, even Snape. The only ones not clapping were Umbridge and some of her squad. We then got back to breakfast with smiles on our faces as things were starting to go back to normal. Before classes started for the day Harry, Ron, Jess, and I decided to visit him. Cedric would have joined, but he wanted to get some work done on an assignment that he had, but he did tell us to send him our regards. When we got there the door was slightly open and we entered. Y/N looked up from the book that he was looking at and said, "so how am I doing so far?"

"Marvelously," I said.

"How did you do all of that so fast?" Jess asked.

"It's easy when you have to 'follow' all of the rules. Plus I don't think that anyone really wanted her as Headmistress," he said.

"No kidding," Ron said.

"I have to talk to Fred and George, we all need a light around here. Also, Hermione? How would you feel about leading the study sessions for our year?" he asked.

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