Chapter Two: Train Ride and New Friends

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It has been a month since our trip to Diagon Alley and learning about this swordsman legend. Dad told me that, in his research, this legend was lost to time. Mr. Ollivander was right about it being a legend and that the book would explain some of it. It says that: After a great amount of time has passed since my death, another will rise to become the swordsman. Let my journal be a guide to learning the way of the sword.

The cover is made of leather and is a faint sky blue color. If I think this journal is as old as I think it is in a very good condition. It lists spells called "Sword Skills." These are spells to make the sword do more attacks or add in an elemental effect. For example, there is one called "Vestibulum" and it is a one hit skill that makes a horizontal beam of light for an extra attack.

Some of these skills can only be learned as you grow more accustomed to the use of the sword. Depending on one's progress powerful skills can come very quickly. The journal goes on to explain different kinds of monsters that have been seen and what kind of skills are better used on them than others. There is information on different kinds of swords ranging from rapiers to two handed swords. I think I will stick to the one handed longswords though. There are also a few pages that talk about legendary swords that could possibly exist. It also says that I could learn how to use my wand and sword at the same time, but should just focus on practicing them separately for a while, until I am ready. I still don't understand why I was chosen, but I think it will become clear in due time.

Dad has been helping me to the best that he can. And we do this by dueling each other with wooden swords that we made. Also practicing my skills on some of the logs that dad needed to cut. And I have to say I have improved, but there is always room to grow. The school also sent another letter telling me not to tell anyone about this information yet and that it would be revealed at the sorting ceremony.

Anyway, we are now at Kings Cross Station looking for Platform 9¾ which is somewhere between the 9th and 10th platform. We eventually find it and go through to find the train. 

Before I head over to the train dad kneels so we are level and says, "Before you go I just want to let you know that I am proud of you son and I know that if your mum was here she would be too

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Before I head over to the train dad kneels so we are level and says, "Before you go I just want to let you know that I am proud of you son and I know that if your mum was here she would be too. You are going to be a good wizard and swordsman. Take good care of Barry. Try to be safe and not get into trouble, okay?" And then ruffled my hair.

"I'll be sure to try dad, but no promises," I replied and then hugged him. "I'll be sure to write."

"Looking forward to it kiddo. I'll see you at Christmas. Bye son."

"I'll see you then. Bye, dad," and then I releases the hug and went to board the train.

Slight Timeskip

I was lucky to find an unoccupied compartment on the train. I put my things down, with the sword and scabbard in the box, to the right of me, and pulled out Hogwarts: A History to reread it. I wanted to make sure I understood the information in the book. After a few minutes I hear the door open hear "is there any chance that I could sit here with you, the other rooms are full?" I looked up from the book and see that it is Hermione who asked the question. "Oh. Hi, Y/N I didn't recognize you."

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