Chapter Thirty-three: The Yule Ball

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The Yule Ball was coming closer and closer with each passing day. Harry and Ron had no luck on finding a date. Harry did ask Cho, but she told him that she was going with Cedric, and this disappointed Harry a little bit. Speaking of Cedric, Lance was still working on a way to save him from his fate. Blaise was looking for me the other day about how he should ask Fay to the Ball. "Blaise," I said, "just say to her 'would you like to go to the ball with me?' Hermione told me that Fay's been dying for you to ask her." And with that confidence he asked her and she said yes. We saw Dobby and Winky the other day as Grandfather had given them jobs here at the castle. Dobby had given us socks, that he made himself. I had to say that I enjoyed having my dorm to myself again, now that Harry moved back into his real dorm after Ron apologizing, but I did feel a little lonely. The extra bed was long gone as well, so I could have more room, but secretly I wished it was still here and that I had a roommate. I spent more time with our friends and that helped, but there was still that hole that I had. I guess that after the few years of have roommates I had gotten used to it. Nick was happy that Jess said yes to him, but Ron was jealous that she was going with him, although he didn't know that it was him yet. Harry, Hermione, Jess, and I were in the Common Room not really doing anything, but Ron had come in looking quite pale as Ginny followed him in.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked him.

"He just asked Fleur Delacour out," Ginny said. This grabbed my attention. I knew Fleur and Ron was not the right person for her but I do have to give him credit for having the courage to ask her as every other boy wanted to go with her.

"What?" Jess said.

"What did she say?" Harry asked.

"No probably," I said.

Ron then shot his head. "She said yes!?" The four of us asked.

"There she was walking by... you know I like it when they walk..." he croaked.

"That's not weird at all," I sarcastically said.

"I couldn't help it, it sort of slipped out," he added.

"Actually, he sort of screamed at her. I was a bit frightened," Ginny corrected.

"What did you do then?" Harry asked.

"What else? I ran for it. I'm not cut out for this, Harry. I don't know what got into me," Ron answered. I could tell that Jess wasn't feeling right as she focused on Barry who was comforting her. He's a real smart one.

"Well what about the Patil Twins? I think they're available," I suggested. Parvati then came into the room. "Hey, Parvati? Do you and your sister have dates to the ball?"

"No, I don't actually. Neither does Padma," she told me.

"Well I found one for you and one for her," I said, pointing to the two boys.

"I'll tell Padma."

The next day had pissed me off to no end. Hermione and I were in the library, just enjoying our time, when the egghead creep had the audacity to ask Hermione, "Herm-own-ninny? Vould you like to go to ve ball with me?" I could have killed the son of a bitch right then, right there.

Hermione seeing this took my hand to calm me and said, "I'm sorry Viktor. I'm already going with someone. I hope you understand."

"Oh, I understand," he said, giving me a glare that could kill as he then left us.

"I'm not sorry," she told me, "He's such a creep. Stalking the two of us, well me for weeks now and he thinks I would say yes? I'm going with the only person that I would even want to go with."

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