Chapter Four: Mail, Flying Lesson, Sparring Session, and 3rd Floor

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Timeskip a Few Days Y/N POV

It was lunch and I had just finished and was reading for positions. I can understand why students don't like the class but I enjoy it. Also, most of the house of Gryffindor was geeking out since I cleaned my sword last night and they finally got to see it. As I was reading I heard Seamus tries to make his drink into rum, for god knows why, but fails to do so and causes a small explosion. Then tons of owls made their way into the great hall. This causes Ron to say "mails here." Your family owl comes to you and drops you a letter and a small package. You open the letter and begin to read.

Dear Y/N,

I am so proud of you for being placed into Gryffindor. You seemed to follow our footsteps. I wanted to give you something that was your mothers. It is a bangle that she wore for good luck, although it is not enchanted. I know it may seem a bit big, but it is enchanted to fit you as you grow, so you'll never grow out of it. She would be proud of you. Make sure to write me back when you have a chance, alright kiddo?



I then proceed to open the small package to find the bangle and put it on.

I then proceed to open the small package to find the bangle and put it on

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(A/N: Ignore the engraving.)

"That's a nice bangle Y/N," Harry said.

"It's wicked," said Ron.

"Thanks. My dad said it was my mom's."

"Was?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," I said with a hit of sadness in my voice. "Dad said that my mom passed away after I was born."

"I'm sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have brought it up," she said while rubbing my shoulder in a consoling way.

"It's fine Hermione. I just don't like to think about it that much."

We then hear Dean say, "hey look, Neville's got himself a rememberal!"

"I've read about those, when the smoke turns red it means you've forgotten something," Hermione says.

"I was about to say the same thing Mione."


"Yeah, if you don't like it I can stop," I say.

"I like it," she says.

"The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten."

Harry then said while looking at the newspaper, "someone's broken into Gringotts, listen." He then proceeded to read the article and mention something about vault 713, and told us that Hagrid visited that vault when they were there. Ron then mentions that we should head to our flying lesson. We then make our way to the lesson and I take off my sword. I don't want it to fall off and crack someone in the head or worse during the lesson. There is a line of broom sticks and Madam Hooch instructed us how to get it to us by saying up. Harry's and Darco's goes to them on the first try. Mine goes to me on the second try. Ron's hit him in the face and I gave some advice to Hermione to help her out which worked. She then tells us to mount our brooms.

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