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Fooling wasn't aware of what he proposed me. My life would be again mortgaged although I could travel time with a PhD in Journalism and senior thesis, of course.

The last part of my degree had been the hardest. And it hadn't been even by the right reasons. At the end I had enjoyed with my PhD thesis, one of the premises which my adviser instilled me.

It was a long process but getting to the exposition and defending of my thesis in front of five members of the court and my adviser, almost proved to be a milestone even bigger than the writing itself. Trying to fit dates, the date delayed at least one month and that got me on my nerves.

The visual elaboration through Prezi I wanted to be perfect. Unlike Power Point, this programm was much more engaging and interesting although it required also twice the effort.

Alex and my parents were the support to which I held on everytime to not giving myself in to discouragement. I was so excited to everything would be perfect and I needed them by my side each step of the road. Once I got out alive from the visual making of my thesis, the only thing I could do was rehearsing till I almost dropped dead.

I did it everywhere. In the garden, kitchen, even the bathtub. But that wasn't enough and I got them to allowed me rehearsing in the assembly hall where it would take place.

- With that dress you look beautiful, darling. You look like an angel -my father told me minutes before going to the college.

The day had come and I didn't know what talisman to cling to so the white dress saved by Mary seemed to me a great idea.

- Let's go

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- Let's go. Are you carrying everything? -my mother asked me.

I made a final check. Apart from my buzzing brain I took with me my laptop where I had my presentation, two pendrives, one for Mac and the other for Windows. It was better to be well prepared in case the Macbook hung and I must use the hall computer.

The Murphy law was relentless with me so I was ready to any misfortune. The ceiling may give way and a piece of plaster could hit my head, that was an admisible possibility.

The hall was ready. The five members of the court properly seated in their places, my adviser in a corner near them. There was free admission whoever want to get into as audience but the hall wasn't too crowded. Some partners of degree, my parents, Alex and two of my teachers.

The chances of my super rehearsed exposition could fail were infinite. From the plaster piercing my brains to dislocate my ankle climbing on the flooring. But as far as technicals conflicts was concerned, there was so much scope.

And indeed that's just what it happened. The fucking technology once more left my ass swinging in the wind. The projector didn't work and  there could be no exposition without it. I tried not be stunned by the panic but as the minutes went on and that didn't work, I said to myself: "That's it. Thesis exposition postponed. Start over".