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I made my way quietly to the food table. Attending a Queen post show reception was a worthwhile experience just for the excellent food they offered and the press must think the same because they were chewing like hamsters. This way waiting for Mr. Mercury's audience was different.

I didn't trust David. Never I did. The version I had read about their relationship was his own version, so it may had no value. I wasn't saying Freddie wouldn't be a real bastard with him but as any relationship you must hear both sides.

I didn't want his pathologic insecurity sweeping me away. I didn't want to lose my friendship with Freddie owing to his jealousy and I would deny even in rack there was anything between us.

- Eli, glad to see you.

I turned around with my mouth full of food. Deaky's nasal voice cheered me up. I swallowed my bit and pulled him into a big hug.

- Thank goodness you don't greet me with "what are you doing here". It would be the third time.

- What are you doing here? -he smiled.

- I came to stay a few days in my hometown. I missed it.

- It's true. Your accent betrays you.

- Yes, I can't hide it.

- Don't you even try. It's one of your attractions.

- Probably you are the only person in United Kingdom to find attractive the brummie accent.

- We didn't see you before the show. Where were you?

- No, I bought myself a ticket a little away from the stage.

- Why? You don't have to buy you any ticket, silly girl.

- I know, but I felt like watching you from another angle. Don't tell Freddie. He gets angry.

- You always get him angry, I don't know how you do it.

- How is Robert doing?

- Lovely. He's growing up very fast.

- And Veronica?

- Busy and irascible. She threats me to fill for divorce every day.

- I don't believe you a single word.

- And you? Which are your plans? Are you visiting your family?

- Yes, yes. That's right.

- Sometimes we forget, you know?

- Forget what?

- That you don't belong to us. We have you as a sort of talisman, as though you were our personal item.

- Deaky...

- I'm sorry. I've been far too much honest. Of course you aren't an item anymore. It's a way of talking.

- I've understood you at first and it would be the first time you offend me.

- John, could you come just now? NME want to talk to you -a member of the staff came along.

- Yes, sure. Will we see you soon? -he said good-bye with a kiss on my cheek.

- Sure.

Deaky got those things, you felt comfortable under any circumstance. But the truth is things were changing around them very fast. Relaxing with them chatting and fooling around at the dressing room was a thing of the past. Now everything was an artificial circus and they were engaged in a great deal of commitments. I regarded unlikely I could talk to Freddie that night.