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When Mary and I woke up a few hours later, the sun was shining in all its glory. It was nearly midday. I came downstairs to say good morning to Freddie who I was thinking would be lying on the sofa but there was no trace of him. Did he sleep out? And I was thinking he would be there all hunched up.

I guess somebody had received his first birthday present. Could it be that he had spent the night with David taking the chance that we, all drunk, provided him?

- Did Freddie come home last night? -Mary asked, not sure about her own brain among the haze of alcohol.

I didn't know how it ocurred to me to cover up Freddie's misdeeds. It was completely instintive.

- I think you dreamt with him probably -I smiled at her.

- Today it's his birthday. I'm calling him to Rockfield...

- No, don't do that.

If she called him she would find out they weren't there anymore.

- Why not?

- I'm sure they're coming to London to celebrate it, don't you think?

Just then joining forces with me in my clumsy defence, it could be heard the key on the front door. Freddie had just enter into Mercury Austin home.

- Happy birthday, my love!

Mary ran to him jumping to his waist while she smothered him in kisses.

- Thank you -he managed to say between kisses.

- Do you know we've been more than one month apart?

- And do you know we aren't alone? -he said placing her on the floor with a smile, staring at me from the corner of his eye.

- Last night you were not at home, were you?

- Could I be in your dreams?

Mary burst into laughter and looked at me.

- It's just what Eli has just told me. Probably I saw you in my dreams.

Freddie's eyes and mine met. Without words he was thanking me that sort of cover I made and he had copied it unconsciously. He smiled at me but I didn't smiled him back, I just looked down ill at ease. It seemed like all my life was full of lies from the moment I woke up to the time I went to bed.

Mary entered the shot hugging him and Freddie's gaze tore away from me at last.

- Are we having a bath or I'm giving you my gift? -Mary asked him smiling while she kissed him.

- We maybe can do it all at the same time, can't we? -he smiled her back lifting her from the floor clinging to his body.

I decided to pick up my things and get out of there. I didn't feel like keep watching all their domestic happiness.

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