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Freddie and I had restarted a sort of precarious friendship in which fitted into the jokes and relaxed camaraderie. I found out he tried to tame himself, not let himself go by his powerful libido. I had it so clear when he discovered me completely naked over bed and reacted quickly enough to not pounce on me.

I was also a dangerous animal hidden in her own burrow of polite self-control. I tried to manage this fatal crush with the properly profesionalism and the friendship which from the very beginning Freddie seemed to offer me it suited me fine. Although I wanted him it was a more comfortable way to go on with my mission, in an organized and focused way.

The japanese journalists reappeared at Ridge Farm to finish off their lenghty report to Music Life. Queen were the new Beatles there and their past tour four months ago made its mark in both sides. It was so enormous the demand of them in the country that the reporters travelled here to interview them and while they're at it taking hundreds of photos,  japanese style.

They spent around an hour with them making the interview and then they started the photo session. The day was still steamy hot, it just drop two or three degrees. It was time to make the session on the swimming pool and the tennis court. Since I arrived there I hadn't seen them playing tennis but it was the reporter's idea and the photos were very funny. Everybody playing with those bell-bottomed pants and 33 degrees in the shade. As could be expected placing the band playing a doubles match could end up with the rackets broken on each other's heads. But they took it with calm. Freddie and Deaky against May and Roger.

Freddie was very good at playing tennis, he was by far the best player. And he was a real star with ping pong. He had won several prizes in his school days in India.

After the mini match, the session moved to the edge of the swimming pool where they posed lying on some little rickety sun beds and where Paul told me to bring them the tea.

I couldn't help they started to flash their cameras to me when I arrived with the tray. The japanese were like this but it wasn't my goal appearing in the japanese teenager magazines in 1975.

- Hey, hello again.

The english and shameless journalist who was with them as translator, stood closer to me with open wide smile. This time he didn't look better than the day before but at least he wore an ironed shirt with no stains.

- Hello -I replied as curtly as I could.

- You told me you were not their girlfriend.

- Good try. I didn't tell you absolutely anything.

- Then you are. Let me guess. You are the blonde's girlfriend.

- May I ask you a favor?

- I can't wait to hear it.

- These japanese have shot me with their cameras. I don't want to appear not once in that report.

- They waste films and films. I don't think you appear.

- Are you certain of that? If you think so don't fill me with confidence. They will back to Japan and you won't know if they use my image or not.

- You want to make sure your images get cancelled out.

- Could you do it?

- That's not free, you know?

- I'm not for sale -I placed hands on my hips looking at him sternly.

- A beer at the pub is asking too much?

- Ok. A beer and I want my photos out.

- Deal.