Chapter 15

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It's only few weeks shy for my first month of being in training with Soren and, I must say, that man may be playful, but his strictness and discipline in training is out of this world. But I guess that is his quality that made him the 17th Queen's Guard, after all.

My training as a firefighter is no ordinary training, but that still does not compare to the training that this man is putting me through. If it weren't for my newfound abilities, I know that I'd be aching physically, mentally, and emotionally after each training.

I guess that's just his way of testing my limits.

"You're a natural at fighting" Soren commented as we finished the training with a spear. "You will just need to learn how to control your strength. You don't want to accidentally throw the spear to hard and hit an ally instead"

"Yeah, I'm trying to do that. Doesn't help that there's no one that can teach me how to be... this... you know" I said, still not able to address myself as... that.

"I understand, and I know that I'm in no position to speak since I am not the one that has been transformed into a Lycan, but I do hope that you're able to accept your new self."

I didn't say anything except but to think to myself: I hope as well.

It was hard enough to accept myself when I was just human, now I have to learn to accept myself as this. 

Maybe the best way to start doing that is by not addressing myself as a thing.

"So when was the last time something happened here?" I asked when silence fell upon Soren and I, both of us sat down on the grass  as we watch other palace Knights proceed with their training in front of us.

The training ground was even more enormous, the King allotted a huge part of the land for it, and half part of it had the equipment necessary for each training required. Of course, not all were expected to master each training, just what they desire or what they think they will excel in. As for me, Soren requires me to master each of it.

He first taught me how to use the sharp weapons ranging from as small as a dagger and as big as Greatsword, of course axes included. 

Then he went to teach me the way of the bow, which was quite easier thanks to my increased sight.

Now he's teaching me how to use a spear which is becoming a challenge for me because, even after a month of being a Lycan, I'm still not able to control the power it holds.

During my stay here at the palace, I've already broken three showers, 5 toilets, innumerable amount of doors, as well as bent the handles of the swords I've held. Fortunately, the Kingdom has the funds to replace it all and the King didn't mind it.

If ever, he finds it humorous. But, as expected, the Princess always acts like it bothers here in every way possible. Or does it? Maybe it does. I know I'd be royally pissed as well if I met someone like me.

"What do you mean?" Soren asked, giving me a questioning look before diverting his gaze over to the people training their martial arts. 

"I mean, when was the last time that something serious happened, other than the earthquake that recently happened"

"Oh, it's been a while, actually. I'd say it's almost a decade, maybe few months shy of a decade. That's why everyone was not prepared when the earthquake hit, despite the warnings from Duarte's"

"What happened then?"

He released a deep breath.

"There were people, groups of them, who rebelled against the Royal family. They disagreed with their rules, their customs. The King tried to reach out to them, but the people didn't believed that they would listen, so they turned to violence. They infiltrated the palace, the palace knights weren't able to do much because the King refused to hurt the townspeople, so he tried to hide somewhere in the palace"

"I'm guessing that didn't worked?"

"Far from worked" he started. "The King was pushed to act when his wife was taken hostage. He was the first one to draw blood. Of course, the rebels took it as an invitation to war and got even more chaotic - something that we thought wasn't possible, but it was - oh it was" he snickered, but I can hear the bitterness behind it. 

"During the fight, the King had been wounded - badly. 

"At that time, blood transfusion is still wasn't a thing, so when the King had fallen really ill due to blood loss, all we were able to do was wait. Something that we were really thankful about was that, when he was pierced to the side, it was not deep enough to hit any organs. But it was still deep enough to draw so much blood"

"What happened, then?"

"He fell into a coma, by this time, King Tristan had just started courting my sister. The Royal adviser would aggressively suggest that they immediately tie the knots so that Tristan could be crowned King before the townspeople lose control again, but Tristan was against it. He didn't want to take over the throne from his father knowing that there was still a chance that he would live, so he refused."

Somehow, I had forgotten that we were supposed to be training me. I had gotten so hooked with his story.

"He tried to postpone it for months, but each day everyone loses hope that the King would heal. When almost a month had passed, Tristan no longer had a choice and asked for my sister's hand in marriage. Not a day after being wedded, Tristan was then crowned King but only after coming to an agreement that, once his father wakes up from his coma, he will return the crown to him. Tristan then began to rule. He didn't make any changes, he just made sure that there would always be Knights patrolling each city to make sure that the rebels are truly gone. He refused to make any major changes because he was still hoping that the King would wake up."

"Well, did he?"

"Oh, he did. Months after Tristan became King, a miracle happened and his father had woken up from his coma. He was weak, of course, after being asleep for more than a year. He was proud that Tristan had taken the role of the King and, when asked by his son to take the crown back, he refused. He said that his time as King was up and Tristan must now take that role for him"

"I reckon King Tristan wasn't able to do anything about that?" I inserted.

"Right, he wasn't. His father also decided to move away to their vacation house so that he and his wife can retire, but he still makes sure to guide Tristan on his role and became his second adviser, if you will" he finished.

"Wow, that's... something" was all that I was able to say.

"I know, right. It really is something. That's why the King is now very protective of his wife and daughter, only allowing them to leave when he's with them. My sister understands, but the princess is a different story. She doesn't understand, and I fear what might happen because of that"

I didn't know what happened to me or why those words came out of my mouth, but it did, and I wasn't able to stop it.

"Don't worry, I will protect her"

Soren then looked at me and gave me a small, but genuine smile.

"I know you will" he said then stood up. "Come on now, you've had too much break" he said, offering his hand to me and, when I took it, he waste a second to pull me up on my feet.

"You mean you've had too much break? Admit it, you can't keep up with me" I joked, somehow now feeling more comfortable around Soren after the story he had told me and the emotions he had shown.

"Don't get too cocky, El. I can keep up with you even with your Lycan ass" he smirked as he wielded his spear and, just like that, I know that a great friendship will bloom between Soren and I - and I like it.

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