Final Chapter

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I had lost track of how many more months had passed since my visit to Elyse's town. As promised to Emily, I stopped by at their house again before beginning my travel to the next town so that I could catch up with them and play with the little girl.

I also stopped by Louella's grave again, giving her my promise to find Elyse.

Finally, after multiple long and torturous travels to several towns, we are on our way back to the palace.

In the first few weeks after finding out that Elyse had left Raymond's residency, I had two of the Knights return to the palace from time-to-time to check if Elyse had arrived, but each time only brought unfortunate news. After few times, I finally ordered the Knights to stop their travels back to the palace and join the convoy as I do not want to wear them out for nothing and all I can do was hope that she will be there once I return.

We were on our last stop before we finish the last stretch back to the palace and we are occupying one of the inns that we had passed by.

"Your Highness?" I heard someone call out to from the door to my room as I was outside looking up at the stars, following what Elyse had said when my longing for her becomes too much. I turned around and saw one of the advisers peeking inside, waiting for me to allow her to come inside, which I did.

"Is something the matter?" I asked her as we met in the middle of the room.

She shook her head. "No, your Highness, it's just that the advisers had been speaking and we have decided that this is the time for you to receive this" she revealed her hands from her back and showed to me a letter.

"It's from your father"

I couldn't speak... A letter from my father? Why am I only knowing about this now? I wanted to ask that question but I had a feeling that she would not give me the answer that I needed, but maybe the letter will. So, after I had calmed myself down and stared at the letter long enough to make sure that it is actually real, I took it from her hands and thanked her before dismissing her.

I did not open the letter immediately. I placed it on the foot of the bed and I stared at it for another moment while sitting by the headboard of the bed that I will be using for tonight. For some reason, while I am staring at the letter, the one thing that would pop in mind is how my father had a smile on his face even when faced with death.

Would this letter explain the reason for that?

With a sigh, I finally reached out for the letter again and opened it; knowing that my questions will be left unanswered unless I read its contents.


My darling Mackenzie,

Oh how I wish that we won't have to write this letter to you but, when the earthquake happened, we knew that the inevitable had already begun. It was hard to watch from the sides when the earthquake happened knowing that it would be the tragedy to wipe away many families, including the Duarte's, leaving Emilia the lone Duarte to survive which, I hope, you know by now is not by chance.

You see, when Emilia was born, it has brought both good and grim news because, upon touching Emilia, her mother was able to glimpse into the future. The first that she was this beautiful little girl that their daughter was playing with, and that was you. We were so happy about finally being able to conceive a child. But, the grim news was that Emilia has darkness in her heart and would grow up as someone who would desire so much of everything that she would not hesitate to harm even her own family. The Duarte's had hoped that being with you would help ease that darkness as this is something that they cannot meddle with.

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