Chapter 26

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My heart was beating loudly and I can feel it getting harder with each beat. Then I began to feel the vibrations from within my chest, as if my heart was making sure that my brain was getting its signals. But I didn't dare move - or rather, I couldn't. 

Not when the lips pressed against mine felt heavenly and soft and addicting.

Or maybe it is the fear of what I would see in her eyes once I pull away.

Regardless, I didn't move. Not my hand, not my feet, and not even my lips. But then I began to thought of how awkward we look right now, in case someone sees us, with our lips pressed idly against each other.

Then I felt a harder thud within my chest, coming from my heart, when I felt her cautiously move her lips and I was about to pull away when her lips tugged my lower lip; pulling me back and began to kiss me.

Is this really happening?

Then I began to move my lips, too. Although I had no idea how to even kiss, I just know that what she's doing is better than just having my lips pressed against hers, unmoving.

Then I felt her hands graze my arms, placing it lightly on top of my skin as if she's afraid to hold me. But, with each second passing by that her lips is moving against mine, her hold become more prominent until she's holding me tightly, but also gently, and I couldn't stop myself from holding on to her forearms.

I have no idea how long we were like that, enjoying each other. I honestly would not have cared if we spent the whole night like that. But when a particularly cold breeze brushed my exposed skin and I shivered involuntarily, Elyse slowly pulled away.

For some reason, I didn't want to open my eyes. Whether it is because I wanted to cherish the feeling or if it's because of the lingering fear at the back of my mind, I did not know.

When I felt Elyse's hands release my arms then moved to hold my cheeks, I knew I had to open my eyes.

My heart felt like it was released from a grip when I saw a smile on Elyse's lips - the same ones that I had just kissed. But what made my smile bigger was her eyes. It was only now that I had realized that I missed her naturally brown eyes and I wish that it was that hue that I would see every day, rather than the ones that are mixed with yellow.

"Why did you kiss me?" Elyse asked, her voice was just above whisper as she leaned her forehead against mine.

"Have you kissed someone?" Instead, I answered her back with a question. I can see the confusion in her face, but she still smiled when she shook her head no.

Somehow, that made me heart flutter.

"But you are aware why two individuals kiss?"

This time she nodded.

I pulled away from her.

"Then you already know why I kissed you, Elyse" I patted her cheek before taking a step back away from her. "They do say that actions speak louder than words, so I believe that I have no need to explain myself further" I gave her a mischievous smile which earned a chuckle from her.

"You're being cheeky on me" she laughed.

"Maybe I am" I said. "We've had a long day today and I think it's time to call it a night" it was only then that I noticed that the moon was already high up on the dark sky, shining brightly to bring just enough light to see the calmness of the night.

"Good night, then, Princess" she bid with a small wave.

"Good night, Elyse"

When morning came, there was a different feeling on the air... Or maybe it was only for me.

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