Banshees and secret friends

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Warning for hurtful derogatory remarks it's only for the story line. I do not believe in that and do not tolerate bullying and harassment. If that's what your about then please move along.

"Eren Jaeger!"

Levi looked up and was met with a strawberry blond banshee that was as tall as Eren. And obviously didn't believe in cloths judging by the outfit she currently had on. She had a faded jean mini skirt on, a white button up shirt that stopped at the top of her belly button, which was pierced, and six inch stilettos. Her face was fire red and she was scowling hard at the teen in his arms.

She marched up to him and jerked him away from Levi. Levi glared at her but didn't say anything. Instead he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up taking a long drag while the girl was screeching. He rolled his eyes upwards in annoyance but was quickly brought back when he heard her next words.

" What were you thinking causing so many issues for our new student. Do you think he has time to be bothered with you!?.... Well do you?!" Levi snapped his eyes to the girl who he now deemed as a tramp.

" Nno Petra I know He doesn't have time to fool around wwwwith me" Eren stuttered out looking down at the ground eyes shimmering with un-shed tears. Levi had had enough of this Petra.

" First off you don't know me don't assume you know what I have time to be bothered with or not. Second shouldn't you be worried he could have been killed? Obviously you know him." Levi blew smoke out at the girl, face now blank.

" Oh I'm sooo sorry! Your right I shouldn't assume!" Petra tried using the whole innocent school girl smile but it definitely didn't fit her. She stepped closer to Levi and wrapped her arms around his pressing herself against him.

" No I really shouldn't worry he's always clumsy like that. I should know I'm one of his best friends!"

Levi ground his teeth together and jerked his arm away from the girl and pushed her away.

"Do.Not.Touch me. I don't like filth" the taller teen was now walking away but stopped next to Eren.

" If THATS your best friend I would seriously reconsider evaluating my self worth. She doesn't give a shit about you" with that he made his way into the school.

Eren watched as Levi disappeared into the building. He couldn't believe he had said all that to Petra. No one crossed her unless they wanted a life of hell. He lost count of how many students had left due to her little games of manipulation. Eren did his best to always keep her happy since she's one of the only people that will talk to him and because his life was already bad enough. But apparently his luck was really shitty today. When he turned around he was met with an extremely pissed off Petra.

" What is wrong with you. You embarrassed me in front of Levi I have been working on a good first impression since I found out he was coming here" she seethed.

"You didn't even stand up for me or try and make me look good. You need to fix this! You better convince him none of this is my fault and I'm the sweet nice girl we both know I am" she stomped past him and into the building. Eren slowly started to follow behind thoughts running all through his head.

He was really fed up with Petra. Two years ago when the girl had came and sat next to him in English class and spoke to him he had actually thought she wanted to be his friend. But as time went on he started seeing she only used him to get his notes and pass tests. She never had anything nice to say to him or about him. She also would make jokes behind his back that she thought Eren didn't know about. He really was done with her. If only he could get up enough courage to walk away from her and tell her no.

Eren made his way into the school building, this time actually paying attention to where he was going. He stopped at his locker and pulled out his books for the first half of the day and his sketch pad. Then made his way to English, when he walked in he heard the students already there go quiet. He started walking to his table at the back of the class when someone stuck their foot out and tripped him. He fell forward all his body weight landing on his knee, he felt white hot pain shoot through his leg.

' Great another injury' he thought as tears tried to form in his eyes but he held them back he wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing him cry.

He stood back up with a wince and made it to his table all the while the whole class was laughing. The 'jocks' calling him all kinds of slurs. Eren sat down and started pulling out his supplies while ignoring everyone like he always does.

" That's enough class! I'm disappointed in you all is this how we should welcome a new student?! By bullying another student!" A short blond man with blue eyes stood at the front of the room with Levi next to him. Erens face lit up in embarrassment, he didn't like attention being called to him. Especially with a handsome raven standing right there, but that was Armin for you. Well Mr.Alert at school but anywhere else it was Armin.

Armin used to baby sit Eren when Zeke couldn't pick him up or was on a trip. Armin really wasn't that much older than Eren only by four years. They were true best friends having grown up together, but in school they kept it quiet since it would cause a lot of trouble for the other. But the blond did what he could to help Eren out in this hell hole, even if he did embarrass Eren every time he tried to 'help'.

" Class welcome our new student Mr. Ackerman." All the students welcomed him and whispers started between the girls, all probably planing on how they would get a date with him. Armin started scanning the room.

" Mr. Alert Levi can sit here with me" came a sickly sweet voice, Petra, Eren rolled his eyes and shook his head.

" You already have a desk partner Miss Ral....."

" You can move him to sit with Eren. Levi's new here so he needs someone to show him around and I can do that" she interrupted.

" I will not sit with that fag" the boy next to Petra said out raged.

" William detention! I will NOT tolerate derogatory slurs. Petra that is to much of a hassle Mr. Ackerman will sit with Eren. Mr. Ackerman please take a seat at the back table there next to Eren please." Armin said with a smile.

" That's unacceptable Mr.Alert Eren will make Levi uncomfortable. Tell him Levi!" Petra turned to look at the raven still standing there.

Levi looked at the teacher then the girl, the stare he gave her would have froze hell over.

" Do not call me Levi, only people I like get to call me that. That goes for everyone in this room, you all can call me Ackerman" Levi leveled the whole room with his glare. Then he made his way to the back table and sat down next to Eren. Eren flinched when the other teen sat next to him.

Eren stared wide eyed at Levi who was staring back also. His eyes took on a playful gleam.

" Hey there bright eyes looks like your gonna be taking care of me. You don't mind showing me the school and all that do you"

If Erens heart hadn't stopped completely at the nickname then it defiantly did when Levi winked at him smirked and leaned back in his chair to listen to the lecture.

' So much for staying off everyone's radar' Eren thought with a sigh. But maybe it wouldn't be so bad Levi did seem to be an ok person. Maybe a little scary, but a good person. Eren turned to face the board and take notes. Levi sitting next to him tapping his foot and humming. For once he felt a little happy to be at school.

Wow two updates in one day. I couldn't help it my mind was going crazy and I started typing and got excited and decided I had to post. I hope you all are enjoying I know i am while writing. I even have the next chapter forming in my head now lol.

Also I'm considering putting the mature tag on this I'm not sure. Nothing mature yet but I know there's a lot of cuss words and such and I really don't want this taken down. Tell me your thoughts. As always please feel free to tell me what you think ( that doesn't mean being hurtful or trolling. I want everyone to feel happy and safe. Any shaming or bullying and I will delete and report) or would like to see, and if you like it enough throw in a vote pretty please. Have a good night everyone.

P.S go check out Kidnapped by Mafia by sosoislit15 it's really good

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