Erens eyes were glistening with remnants of tears. He was staring at the three males in shock and fear. He glanced up briefly to Bean who was watching the others closely. The brunette turned his head back to the others and looked to Levi. Who looked like he was on the verge of murdering the artist above him.
" Levi please stay calm, just let Bean clean me up." The raven took a step forward watching the white haired man closely.
" Why does he even need to clean you up Eren?" Levi asked darkly taking another step forward.
Erwin stood behind Levi with Armin behind his back. The muscular blond took the time to take in the whole situation. Which Levi definitely had not. Bean was clothed, Eren only missing a shirt, and his eyes watery. Bean had gloves on and his station looked recently used. There looked to be a big dark grey almost black bruise over Erens heart. Wait! Erwins eyes went wide when he realized what was on Erens chest. He grabbed Levi's shoulder and squeezed it.
" Levi this is definitely not what you think. You need to take a deep breath and let Bean finish what he's doing." Erwin said slowly. Armin still hid behind him but was trying to see more of what was going on. Levi glanced over his shoulder at his friend and second in command and nodded.
The raven relaxed a little, but never took his eyes off the two in front of him. Bean stood up a little straiter grabbed a towel and his spray bottle. He soaked Erens chest in the liquid and wiped it off carefully. He then stepped back and offered his hand to Eren to help him up. The brunette took it and let the bigger pull him up to stand. Eren blushed but turned completely to face Levi,Erwin, and Armin.
" What do you think?" He asked nervously.
Erwin just opened and closed his mouth a few times before deciding not to comment. Levi's mouth hung open slightly while he stared. Armin pushed past the two taller teens to get a look at what Eren was asking their opinion on. Armins blue eyes fell on a beautiful black script tattoo that said 'Prince'. At the beginning there was a white wing and at the end a dark blue wing. Armin looked to Eren who was looking worriedly back at the short blond. That worry didn't last long when the blond started screeching at him at the top of his lungs.
" Eren what the fuck were you thinking! Have you lost your damn mind!" Armin ran up to him grabbed him by his shoulders and shook him.
" Zeke is going to shit himself when he sees this! He's going to fucking kill me!" The man continued to rant shaking Eren. The brunette had finally had enough and pushed Armin away.
" One! I'm eighteen Armin I'm technically an adult I was allowed to do this. Two! I'm not telling Zeke so he's not going to flip out, and three......" Eren went quiet for a moment and started fiddling with his fingers. He looked up to his blond friend with a blush. " I wanted to get something that was Levi's tattooed on me since he had my art work on him. So I thought his nickname with his crest, even though it's a little different, would be nice." Armin stared at his best friend still dumbfounded with the whole situation. Then he narrowed his eyes and spun around to face Levi who wore a huge smile and was staring adoringly at Eren.
" Why the fuck are you smiling Ackerman! When Zeke finds out, and he will eventually find out, your the sorry fuck I'm sending him to!" Armin yelled then stomped out of the room leaving the other occupants stunned. Erwin was the first to get his senses back, he chuckled some, then turned to Eren with a big smile.
" It's beautiful Princess and for what it's worth I like it a lot. Don't worry about the drama Queen I'm gonna go deal with him now." Erwin patted Levi's shoulder and walked out of the room.
Eren looked to Levi bashfully waiting for him to say something. The raven was quiet the whole time and hadn't even made one comment. Levi looked back for a moment then walked up to the shorter. He brought his hand up and traced around the outside skin of the tattoo. A soft smile formed on his lips as he looked back to Erens mesmerizing sea green and blue eyes.

Erens First Love
Fanfiction⭐️Top Ranking⭐️ #1 in leviXeren (#1 bottomeren)(#1 toplevi)(#16riren) (#1 Ereri) I'm completely blown away thank you all so much for your support. I truly never thought I would rank in anyway. One's a small shy boy who does everything he can to go...