Please Id like all my readers to read this authors note real fast. First off WOW 5.06k as of now! You all are amazing and I appreciate your support so so much. Second I'm going to post my Q/A special soon but you still have time to submit your questions for me. Also I wanted to know what your all's thoughts were. I don't really like busting up the story. So I was thinking of making a little Book called "Erens first Love" Specials. I would post the Q/A here along with some special one shot stories I have in mind that would go with the main story but not effect the plot. Just kind of some behind the scenes. Please I would like to know what you all like and would prefer before I decide to post the finished product. Thank you for reading this note I really appreciate it! Now on with the show.
Eren stomped down the main isle way not paying attention to where he was going, he honestly didn't care. He wanted to get as far away from the 2 dollar hussy as possible. He still felt that unknown fire in his chest. He hadn't felt anything like this ever before in his life. And it didn't help that the feeling got worse when Eren started wondering why Levi hadn't pushed the girl away in the first place. That just pissed him off even more.
Eren had gotten so lost in his emotions that he didn't see the other person that was in front of him. Eren ran face first into this persons chest and bounced back and fell on his rear end. Eren groaned and looked up to see a man with two toned hair. Dirty blond on top with the under cut a black color. His eyes were droopy and he wore a scowl on his face. Eren blushed and stood up.
" I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I w....."
" Where the fuck did you get that necklace?!" The man interrupted Eren with venom dripping from his words. The man took a step forward and Eren took one back bringing his hand to the precious pendant around his neck. The brunette glared at the stranger.
" THATS! None of your BUSINESS!" Eren shot back and went to turn around to go back to his friends. The man snatched Erens arm and spun him back around. He wore a dark glare.
" Oh it's my business especially when I know that came from my bosses personal collection of jewelry. I also know that only one person gets to wear that necklace. And he sure as fuck wouldn't give it to someone like you!" The man grabbed Erens hand covering the necklace and jerked it away from his chest. He then went for the necklace next.
Erens eyes widened and without thinking his hand shot out and collided with the other males cheek. The males head snapped to the side. The man quickly recovered and brought back his fist and swung forward. It connected with Erens jaw and the small boy fell to the ground tears welling up in his eyes. The brunett sat there in stunned pained looking at the ground. He might be sitting on his ass because he just got beat up but he wouldn't give this bastard the satisfaction of seeing him cry.
" I said give me the fucking necklace." The man said again and leaned down. Eren gritted his teeth together. He didn't care what kind of beating was coming he WOULD NOT give this necklace to this man. Levi had given it to him and he cherished it.
" And I said no. Should have known you weren't just fugly you were stupid too. Levi gave me this I'm not giving it to you!" Eren was cut off by a kick to the ribs.
" You don't say his name, fucking trash! And he wouldn't give a priceless heirloom to fucking TRASH!" Erens eyes narrowed. He looked at the man as he nealt down. The brunette then smirked and spit in his face.
" You fucking Whore!" The man stood up and made to kick Eren again. Eren closed his eyes waiting for the impact but it never came. When he opened his eyes he was surprised to see the man held about a foot up off the ground by his throat. The person pinning him there was none other than Levi himself. Erwin stood behind Levi, and the look he wore scared Eren. But not as much as the look Levi wore.

Erens First Love
Fanfiction⭐️Top Ranking⭐️ #1 in leviXeren (#1 bottomeren)(#1 toplevi)(#16riren) (#1 Ereri) I'm completely blown away thank you all so much for your support. I truly never thought I would rank in anyway. One's a small shy boy who does everything he can to go...