Eren burrowed his face into Levi's back as they sped down the road to his house. He couldn't believe he had said all that to Petra. Yeah he had thought about it day after day. Every time she laughed at his pain, every time she had smiled in his face then spoke poorly about him behind his back. He never did or said anything but he had always wanted to. He knew after this she was going to do everything she could to make his life hell. Eren lifted his head a little and peered at the side of Levi's face.
The bigger teen was focused on the road and swerving between all the other vehicles going 'to slow'. Eren just stared at the man. He really was gorgeous, a strong jaw, deep eyes that could pierce through you. Thin tight lips that would throw out words like bullets but at the same time seemed like they would whisper sweet love into your ear. Levi glanced at the smaller and smirked when he caught him staring at him. Eren blushed a deep scarlet and tucked his face back were he had it into Levi's strong muscular back. His face took on a deeper shade when he felt the back jerk in obvious laughter.
Eren jumped in surprise when he felt a large hand land on the outside of his left thy and slightly squeeze. It was one of understanding and support. This only helped in making the teen even more red, if that was even possible. Soon the bike slowed down and the weight shifted signaling they were turning and coming to a stop. Once the bike was stopped completely Levi turned it off and let down the kick stand. The raven shifted a little and wiggled to indicate he was going to get off but Eren didn't budge.
" Hey come on bright eyes. We got to get your stuff together." Levi said but there was no hint of Eren moving anytime soon.
" Oi! Brat let go." Still nothing. Levi leaned his head back and sighed, back to being the little shy damsel already he guessed.
Levi reached down and clasped the hands around his waist then he sternly but softly pried them away from his body then un-straddled the bike and turned to look at the bright red boy. Eren sat there with his head hung in his hands his ears scarlet red. Levi smirked and stepped forward grabbing the teen by his waist and hoisting him up. But instead of setting him down straight away like at school this morning he held onto him with his legs on either side of his waist.
" What's go you all shy and bashful bright eyes?" Levi asked quietly one arm supporting Eren under his backside and the other rubbing his back. Erens head slightly tilted up and he peeked at Levi through his fingers.
" I-I-I said a-a-all that stuff to to Petra! I've never talked that way to anyone!" Eren cried out and hid behind his hands fully again. He couldn't stand to be so close to Levi's face like he was right now. Levi rolled his eyes and smirked.
" Well for whatever it's worth I'm glad you did. It made me...... happy? To see you take up for yourself." Levi took his hand rubbing Erens back and pulled his hands away. " You need to do that more. Your royalty, and a true treasure. Don't let those bastards walk all over you anymore. And if you don't think you can handle it. Then myself, Hanji, and Erwin will take care of it. We are humbly at your service Princess." Levi finished his words by taking Erens hand and kissing the back of it. Erens cheeks lit up again, he hid his eyes behind his fringe while he stumbled over his words.
"L-L-Levi!" Eren finally cried out in embarrassment and pushed against the broad chest of the other. " I-I'm not a Princess!"
" Of course you are! He's our Prince which makes you Eren our PRINCESS!" Came a high pitched squeal from behind them.
Levi groaned while rolling his eyes and looking over to Hanji. The auburn haired person was skipping up to them with that scary glint in their eye again. 'Fuck' was all Levi could think.
" My baby Eren! You want to be our princess right?!" The evil glint was still there. Levi narrowed his eyes at his best friend. They were up to some stupid shit he just knew it.

Erens First Love
Fanfiction⭐️Top Ranking⭐️ #1 in leviXeren (#1 bottomeren)(#1 toplevi)(#16riren) (#1 Ereri) I'm completely blown away thank you all so much for your support. I truly never thought I would rank in anyway. One's a small shy boy who does everything he can to go...