Please take a minute to read this everyone please!
I can not thank you all enough I never thought this story would make it this far. I thank you all so much for all your encouragement and support. I always look forward to hearing from each and everyone of you. In honor of this I will be writing a One Shot special. This will be the story of what went down the night Levi shot Erwin and why Erwins so petty about it🤣 I know you all have been waiting and wondering about that little piece of gold.
The group pulled up to the front of the mansion and parked. They all filed out and headed to the door. Erwin passed the keys to another guy as he made it up the stairs. Once inside the group said their good nights and went to their rooms. Armin had tried suggesting that he and Erwin hang out with Levi and Eren again tonight, but the taller had gathered the shorter blond in his arms and whispered something in his ear causing Armin to turn into a blushing stuttering mess. Eren laughed watching the two disappear down the hall.
Eren turned to Levi and smiled holding out his hand. Levi's lips twitched a little as he took the brunettes hand and they made their way to the ravens room with Erens bags. Once inside Eren sat his shopping bags on the bed and went to his duffel bag to start pulling out some clothes. Levi walked to his closet to do the same.
" I'm gonna shower real fast bright eyes, I always feel like I'm covered in grim after getting a tattoo." Levi walked back out of the closet with some pajamas.
" Are you gonna wanna shower too?" He asked." No I'm ok I can't shower multiple times a day unless I absolutely have too. I have really bad sensitive skin. I shower anymore than once a day and I'll break out horribly." The brunette responded.
" Alright, I'll be out in a few then. Treat this as you would your own room. Especially since I plan on keeping you in here as much as possible." Levi smirked then winked at the boy, successfully bringing a blush to Erens face and causing him to stutter. Before the boy could gather himself enough to respond to him Levi walked into the bathroom and shut the door.
Eren stood there still blushing before he turned around and started putting his night cloths on. He changed his underwear and pulled on black shorts that stopped mid thy. He then pulled off his shirt and turned to pull out his favorite blue hoodie. Only his favorite blue hoodie wasn't there. Eren went through his bag again just to make sure.
' What kind of best friend forgets to pack his best friends favorite hoodie!' Eren cursed in his head. He stood there for a minute thinking. He loved cuddling up in a hoodie at night when he slept. Something about it just made him feel.... secure (I mean if you haven't tried cuddling up in bed with a hoodie and shorts on at night when the room is cool then your missing out. It's amazing and personally it helps my anxiety)
Eren sighed and turned around to just grab a tee shirt to throw on but stopped. He looked over his shoulder to one of the doors across the room.' We are boyfriends now.... so Levi wouldn't care. Would he?' Eren thought as he turned around and made his way to the door he had been looking at. 'Well guess I'm about to find out!' A big smile stretched across the teens face as he opened the door.
Levi had taken his time in the shower carefully washing around his newest tattoo. He now stood in front of the mirror brushing his damp hair back out of his face. His silver eyes kept traveling to the beautiful tattoo that Eren had designed that laid over his heart. He couldn't help the small smile that graced his lips. He never thought he would be happy to finally brand his family crest into his body, but he was. And it was all because of a beautiful sea green and blue eyed angel. The raven knew he had it bad. In the past he would pick up girls just to pass time or to prove to someone else he was able to. With Eren though that's not what had happened. Eren had just come out of no where and jerked Levi's cold heart out of his chest with one look and a small smile.

Erens First Love
Fanfiction⭐️Top Ranking⭐️ #1 in leviXeren (#1 bottomeren)(#1 toplevi)(#16riren) (#1 Ereri) I'm completely blown away thank you all so much for your support. I truly never thought I would rank in anyway. One's a small shy boy who does everything he can to go...