Guys I'm gifting this chapter to Saphireblueelf . Their work is amazing I started off with danger days then went into Danger day: Levi squad and now there's so many works that deserve so much praise. Thank you saphireblueelf for sharing your talent. Please if you all get the chance please make some time to go read their work.
As always I hope everyone enjoys the update. I will say we are getting close to where I will be cutting off this first part and will start the second. I already have the name for the second part but not giving it out yet 😁
"Young Master!!" Williams launched himself forward and caught the shorter male. He lowered them both to the ground as he frantically started pulling Erens jacket off. He was roughly pushed to the side but rebounded back quickly with his fist raised ready to fight whoever was hindering him in his attempt to take care of his young master.
Said fist was caught in a firm but delicate hold. His dark brown eyes snapped up to the light blue ones of his mothers. Yelena. Her face was stern as she shook her head and looked back towards where Eren was. Williams followed her gaze and found Prince Levi, Emperor Zeke, and King Kenny all surrounding his master. Realizing his master was in safe hands he stood up and relaxed some next to his mother who rubbed his back tenderly.
" You did so well young one. You made our family proud and served the young master well. You are a wonderful guardian, but there are times when we have to step back and are not needed. This is one of those times." She whispered quietly. He understood but his years of training was screaming at him to return to his master and care and protect him. Both turned towards Kenny when he growled out in frustration.
Kenny had Erens shirt open to reveal dark black and purple bruising all over his torso and sides of his ribs. They could tell from the teens labored breathing that he was in immense pain and possibly had internal bleeding.
" What the FUCK happened! You said your 'agent' would keep him safe Zeke!!" Levi roared loudly his eyes glaring coldly at Williams.
Said teens head dropped in shame and his shoulders fell. When he had bathed the Young master he had thought the wounds weren't that bad but apparently he was wrong. He had made a decision that could have possibly put his master in danger. And if anything did happen he wouldn't be able to live with himself. He fell to his knees and bowed lowly as he started speaking to them all.
" It is my fault Prince. I had stepped into a side room to inform Emperor Zeke of what was happening. Oluo let him into the room and when I came back I saw him kicking the Princess. When I bathed him the wounds were no where near that bad." He finished.
" When you WHAT!!!!" Levi roared causing Williams to wince.
" Prince calm down now is not the time!" Zeke scolded. " We need to get him and Carla looked at." With that Zeke stood up and walked over to the brown haired woman and lifted her up out of the chair he had left her in. He smiled at her and started to the doors.
Levi took Erens jacket and laid it over his open chest so he wouldn't be exposed anymore and knelt down. He slid his arm under the brunettes knees and then did the same behind his shoulders. The raven then carefully stood up and brought the light boy to his chest tenderly. Levi's silver eyes slid over Erens soft face and frowned when he saw the discoloration forming on his jaw. His strong arms tightened protectively around his Princess as he lent down and placed a soft kiss to the forming bruise then to his split lips.
" I'm so sorry Bright eyes, I didn't keep my promise. I should have been here, but never again. I will always stay beside you. This will NOT happen again." He quietly declared to the unconscious boy. He raised his head and began following Zeke. Before he stepped out of the doors he threw a look over his shoulder at the still knelling Williams.
" Get up Williams. Your his body guard so do your job." The raven snapped, then walked away.
Williams head snapped up his eyes widening in surprise as he watched the prince walk out the door. He still trusted him to protect Eren even after he had failed. Even after he hadn't been able to stop the horrendous beating the teen took. A hand landed on his shoulder and he looked up to his mother.
" Your human Johnathan, we all know that, and we all make mistakes. He even makes mistakes, the Prince isn't going to have Zeke demote you because of this. You didn't fail, all the rest of us did, especially the Emperor. Eren made him realize that today. Now let's go we need to take care of our masters." Yelena said with a sad smile as she helped her son to his feet. They quickly and quietly followed the other leaders to the limos waiting to take them back to the Ackerman estate.
I hope you all liked it please vote, comment and tell me what you think. I'll have the next update ASAP.

Erens First Love
Fanfiction⭐️Top Ranking⭐️ #1 in leviXeren (#1 bottomeren)(#1 toplevi)(#16riren) (#1 Ereri) I'm completely blown away thank you all so much for your support. I truly never thought I would rank in anyway. One's a small shy boy who does everything he can to go...