Its not what it looks like!

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Levi slowly pulled away and opened his eyes. Silver met shocked sea green and blue eyes. Levi sat there as still as he could never taking his eyes away from the ones in front of him. Erens brows slowly pulled together and tears began welling up in the cornerss of his eyes. His plump lower lip started to tremble as tears slid down his cheeks. Levi's eyes widened slightly and he pulled his hands away like something had bit him. He slid away from Eren and continued to watch him. The other four occupants looked on in worry as more tears fell down Erens cheeks. Then out of nowhere it all turned into a full on crying fest.

Levi looked on in fear not understanding what he had done. It was a kiss if he didn't like it he could have hit him, cussed him or whatever. But the brunette was crying, full on ugly crying as some would call it. Armin reached over the seat and rubbed Erens shoulder.

" Eren calm down you need to breath. I understand Levi kissed you out of no where. If you didn't like it you can hit him or something. You don't need to cry over it." The blond said over the others crying. Eren snapped his head up to look at his friend then Levi then started crying harder.

" I-It's n-n-n-n-not t-that I-I-I didnt *sniff,cough* l-like it!" The brunette said his face going red. Levi raised an eyebrow at the others and they all looked back to Eren. Who was trying to calm down. They waited a little bit until Eren was done crying, only a sniff or two was heard.

" My baby, if you didn't hate it then what's wrong?" Hanji asked placing their own hand on Erens back. Eren raised his head up from his knees and looked at the others before a deep blush took over his face.

" It's ok bright eyes, say whatever you want. I won't be mad I promise." The raven said softly with a small smile. Eren looked to him and hung his head as he mumbled.

" Eren speak up we can't here you." Erwin scolded lightly.

" That was my first kiss!!" The brunett yelled surprising everyone. Levi's mouth dropped open, then a smirk appeared.

" Would you like another one..... a better one?" He said slyly. And of course that earned him a smack, but surprisingly this time from Moblit.

" Behave Prince" the man said with narrowed eyes.

This caused everyone in the SUV to laugh even Eren. Levi turned to look at him with a fond smile. He would definitely never get tired of hearing his Princess laugh. Eren soon caught Levi staring at him and blushed harder. Levi took Erens hand and brought the knuckles to his lips lightly kissing them.

" Do you understand my intentions now Princess? If you don't feel the way I do that is ok, I will still always be here for you, as the friend you want me to be. But know I will always be at your beck and call." Levi looked right into Erens eyes and kissed his knuckles again. Eren stared at Levi for a few long moments then took his hand away from the other and brought it up to the pendant around his neck. He softly caressed it and smiled a little.

" I want to keep my necklace." He said quietly.

Levi's eyes lit up as he slid closer to Eren and put his arm around his waist. He pulled the smaller a little closer to him.

" Do you understand what that means bright eyes." Levi wanted to make sure Eren completely understood what he intend for this to mean. Eren looked up to Levi with a cute smirk.

" It means you owe me a better first kiss..... boyfriend." Levi's brows shot up and everyone else busted out laughing.

" Cocky little shit, but deal, I'll make sure you get a 'real' first kiss you'll never forget." The raven promised with a smirk of his own. Erens face flushed at the thought of what Levi considered a kiss he wouldn't forget.

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