A small tan hand shot out from the blankets and snatched up the electronic demon that was wailing so early in the morning. Fumbling around trying to press the green button that would shut it up. He finally found it then jerked the phone up to his ear.
" Who the fuck is it!" Eren growled into the phone.
" Watch your damn mouth baby brother." Was the grumpy reply he got in return.
" Says the one who just said damn. What do you want monkey." The teen asked still trying to become more coherent.
" You shit head wait until I see you again, I told you to quit calling me that!" Zeke growled from his end of the phone. Eren was about to reply but froze up when he heard a chuckle come from behind him, and felt an arm moving away from his waist.
" Oh you wanting to laugh about it now huh Mr. I pissed the bed until I was ten!" Zeke yelled over the phone. Eren went bright red and shot up doing his best to get away from Levi who now had his face buried in the pillow trying to hide his laughter. All the while he was yelling at Zeke.
" Fuck you Monkey! It's not my fault you looked like the orangoutang at the zoo! Shave your damn face!" By this time he had made it to the bathroom.
" Whatever shit head. Wanted to make sure you were up for school and everything was ok. I didn't get to talk to you last night."
Eren sighed and leaned against his door. He definitely didn't want to tell Zeke about the picture falling and him calling in a rescue party over it. His brother would send one of his friends over to babysit him, he was eighteen for gods sake he didn't want to deal with his brothers friends. And he definitely didn't want to go into the whole Levi sleeping over. That would probably end in Zeke coming home himself and trying to skin the other teen alive. And Eren liked this guy he wanted him to stay around and Zeke would definitely scare him off. Even though the raven was just a friend.
" Yeah everything's good finished an art project watched TV and went to bed. Nothing out of the normal for me." The teen lied with ease. He didn't like lying to his brother but for his own piece of mind he would this one time. It wasn't a big deal.
" Alright get ready for school and eat. I'll talk to you later." The phone went silent. Eren rubbed his eyes and stood up. He started his morning routine and soon he was finished and walking out to his room.
" Took long enough" came a rough voice. Eren spun around to the door of his room. Levi was leaning against the door wearing a black shirt that hugged all his muscles and a pair of washed out jeans that fit his legs nicely, not to tight not to loose. He had on a pair of what Eren deemed biker boots along with a leather jacket with the same symbol his motorcycle had. But Erens favorite part was the black studs in his ears, the stud on the right had a black cross and chain hanging from it.
"Like what you see?" Levi teased with a knowing smirk while taking a sip of the coffee in his hand. Eren quickly snapped out of his daze and started sputtering.
" S-sorry about that, my brothers a dick in the mornings..... well me too. We're not morning people." He said deciding it was better to go get dressed then stand there flushing from head to toe in front of the hottest man he had ever seen. He walked into his walk-in closet, just grabbing some cloths out. He got dressed and stepped back into the room. He had decided on a pair of khaki skinny jeans and a pastel blue short sleeved button up with a pair of tan sperrys (I know I spelt the brand wrong). He was already wearing his black glasses. He looked up and caught Levi looking him up and down. The raven didn't seem to notice that Eren had caught him.
" Like what you see?" He asked mimicking the others earlier question. Levi's eyes snapped up to his own and he smirked.
" Yeah, I think I do." He said and turned around to walk out of the room leaving the shorter teen a blushing mess.
" H-Hey don't make fun of me!" Eren yelled running after the taller.
" Eren get on the damn bike!"
" No that's ok I'll walk"
" Eren I have a motorcycle I can get us to school in no time. You walking as idiotic." Levi said harshly, his eyes narrowing dangerously.
" Not happening! What if I fall off, worse yet what if people at school saw me on there with you!" Eren hissed back glaring.
" I don't give a damn about any of those fuckers at school. Now get on or I swear I'll throw you on" he stepped forward his silver eyes darkening. Eren stepped back and glanced at his house. He could make it in and lock the door before Levi could get him right? As if reading his thoughts the raven sprinted forward. Erens flight response kicked in a little to late because by the time he turned around to run Levi had hoisted him up by his waist.
" Put me down! Damnit it Levi your a fucking asshole!" Eren was kicking and screaming.
" Brat you kick me in the dick and I promise I'll wear your ass out like your a toddler" Levi warned, at that the boy on his shoulder went limp and instead pouted. In an instant he was placed on to a surprisingly comfortable small seat cushion behind were Levi would sit. Levi stood there glaring at Eren after he put their bags in his side compartments (yes they actually have those now and their hidden. It's really cool)
" Hold on to me right and don't try jumping off or doing anything stupid you hear me?" Eren just pouted in answer. Levi took it as a yes though and straddled the big bike. He turned the key and when the big beast came to life he heard Eren squeak and automatically grab on tight to Levi's waist. The other couldn't help but let out a small laugh he, really was adorable. With that he pulled out of the drive way and made his way to the school.
The ride was nice and not because of the perfect early morning weather. No, what made this ride nice was the slim arms wrapped tightly around his waist and Erens chin resting on his left shoulder. He was still tense but Levi could tell he was starting to enjoy the sensation. When the school came into view he felt Erens whole body go extremely stiff and turn his face to hide it in the ravens back.
Levi growled to himself. He hated that this shit hole made the boy feel this way about himself. The emerald eyed beauty should be sitting tall behind Levi showing off his good looks and smiling at all the jealous looks he would get for being the one Levi chose to have wrapped around him. Levi was definitely going to change the way Eren saw himself. He was going to show and teach him how much of a treasure he was.
I want to thank everyone who has added my story to their libraries, voted and commented. Thank you so much you all are the reason I do this. You all are amazing!
Not as long And kind of a filler but it did have a little information needed for later. I'm trying to keep my chapters around 1,200 to 1,500 so I don't overwhelm anyone I know a lot of people like them to stay around that amount. I really hope you all are enjoying it so far. Please leave comments I love hearing what you all think. And if you like it enough maybe a vote.

Erens First Love
Fanfiction⭐️Top Ranking⭐️ #1 in leviXeren (#1 bottomeren)(#1 toplevi)(#16riren) (#1 Ereri) I'm completely blown away thank you all so much for your support. I truly never thought I would rank in anyway. One's a small shy boy who does everything he can to go...