Erwin and Hanji made it to the bookstore as Eren and Armin were walking out with an exasperated Moblit. Armin was grinning ear to ear and talking excitedly about the books he had got. Eren nodded listing to the happy blond with a smile on his face. Moblit had four bags of books in his hands as he followed behind. When he saw Erwin he hurried over and dropped the bags into his arms.
" He's your boyfriend, you carry these heavy ass things." Moblit said then walked over to Hanji who was laughing. Erwin turned to the boys and raised his brow at Armin.
" How did you pay for these? And are you even done with the ones you got two weeks ago?" The tall blond asked with a tired expression. Eren smiled and answered before Armin could.
" I got them for him. I love buying things for my friends." Eren wore a bright smile that warmed everyone's heart.
" I told him not to but he never listens." Armin sighed making his way to his boy friend and wrapped his arm with the others and they started to walk. Moblit reached out and took Hanjis hand as they started to walk.
" Is Levi ok?" The brunette asked looking over to the others that had been with him.
" He's ok Princess he just had to call his uncle to give him info from our part of the business." Hanji answered with a smile.
" Oh ok. By the way you all are young what kind of business are you in charge of?" Eren asked innocently. Hanji and Erwin looked between each other trying to figure out what to say. In the end it was Erwin who answered.
" The family company deals with multiple types of things. Like trading, protection, research and a few other things." He answered looking to see if that satisfied the boy. Erwin refused to lie to the boy but he wouldn't go into details either.
" Oh ok, so like a for hire company."
Erwin smirked, the boy didn't even know how right he was. " Yeah like a for hire company."
The group continued to walk around passing different stores. Nothing seemed to catch anyone's attention until they came across an electronics store. Eren stopped for a second to admire a new camera that had just came out. The two couples stopped to wait when an idea popped into Erwins head.
" You like that camera Eren?" He asked walking over with Armin in tow who looked confused.
" Yeah it's nice. I like taking pictures so I can remember all the happy things when I'm alone. My family has never been big on pictures. There's only ones of me and Zeke that were taken over the years." Eren said his sea green eyes starting to water a little. Erwin nodded and walked into the store leaving the others to follow.
Eren followed the two blonds in and glanced around the store they had everything from phones to TVs. There was a lot of people around the place but there was enough room to were they were not packed together. Erwin walked over to the camera displays and looked between all the color choices. He turned to Eren and motioned to the cameras.
" Chose the color you want" he said then turned to the accessory rack. " and get a case and the other stuff you need for it."
Erens eyes went wide and he waved his hands in front of him. " oh no Erwin! Not happening your not getting me one of these!" Eren said frantically. Armin rolled his eyes at his friend.
" Eren choose what you want or Erwin will choose. Either way your getting it." Armin said with finality. Eren looked at his feet while he shuffled around.
" But why? I don't get it." Eren said quietly but not quiet enough for the tall blond man not to hear.
" Eren you just bought Armin a crap ton of books." Erwin stopped and held up his hand to keep Eren from speaking. " not only that you have given and taken care of Armin for years. This is me showing my appreciation for you doing that..... and also a gift for my friend." Erwin finished with a very faint blush.

Erens First Love
Fanfic⭐️Top Ranking⭐️ #1 in leviXeren (#1 bottomeren)(#1 toplevi)(#16riren) (#1 Ereri) I'm completely blown away thank you all so much for your support. I truly never thought I would rank in anyway. One's a small shy boy who does everything he can to go...