The raven teen groaned and squeezed the bridge of his nose. He was the one to arrange this meeting with his friends but that didn't mean he was ready for Hanjis crazy ass. Said person was now bursting through the door running straight at Levi with their arms wide open and eyes shimmering with tears of happiness. Levi spun his chair quickly and delivered a swift kick to their abdomen.
" Leeviii why! You absue me so much I just want your loooooove!" The burunett wailed rolling on the ground at Levi's feet clutching their stomach. Erwin quietly stepped into the room, shutting and locking the door. He stepped over Hanji and walked up to Levi giving him a quick hug.
" Good evening Levi" the blond said with a smile then looked down at Hanji still rolling around on the ground. He rolled his eyes and kicked them in the ass.
" Get the hell up Hanji we all know you have a bullet proof vest on 98% of the time. Levi didn't hurt you your just wanting to cause a ruckus"
Levi smirked at them on the floor and then sat down waiting for the other two to do the same. He had already poured himself some bourbon on the rocks. He motioned for the other two to help themselves. After they got their drink of choice they sat down facing Levi.
" I asked to speak with you tonight reguarding a certain green eyed brunett teen." there was no doubting that Levi meant business currently. He might not be the head of the family now but he did have his own squad he was over and he ruled with an iron fist. He noticed both of his friends, well not his friends right now, Currently they were his captain and section commander. Stiffen and glance at each other before taking a drink.
" I'm not a patient man" Levi said his words still calm. " We have thirty minutes to discuss this before we have a conference call." Erwin nodded, sat his glass down pulled out a cigarette and lit it.
" Eren is different, I've never seen someone like him" the blond said taking a drag. Levi nodded indicating for him to continue.
" I mean he's Eren Yeager little brother to Zeke Yeager. You'd think he'd be more..... like us, but he's not. It's almost like he doesn't even know anything just living in his own little bubble." Erwin was cut off by Hanji.
" Well his own little bubble of misery and trama. He tries so hard to go unnoticed but it doesn't happen. He gets beat up, laughed at, and threats daily. I've tried getting proof, getting him to tell me but he just won't. Erwin and I started watching over him more a year or so ago. We've done what we can but we're not always able to catch them" they finished their face had taken on a very dark look.
" And why did you decide yourselves to provide protection without informing someone" Levi asked siping his drink.
" Hanji adopted him as their child" Erwin stated bluntly.
" Damn you Erwin! Look Levi he's no threat and he's a really cute kid. I just want to squeeze him. He won't ask for help from anyone or his brother he needs me! It's not like The scouts are on bad terms with Zeke!" Hanji was close to hysterical. They were pulling on their hair and flailing about.
" Calm yourself after this conference call I'll decide if this will continue or not. I am disappointed I was never informed"
" Oh your just mad we've had more contact with that cutie than you have" Hanji screamed pointing their finger at Levi. Levi glared back at them and flicked his cigarette butt at them. It got caught in their shirt and they were now running around screaming about being permanently scared. Erwin narrowed his eyes at Levi.
" Was it necessary Lev? Now they aren't gonna shut up for hours"
Levi flipped his friend off then sat back in his chair. The little teen was defiantly different he was innocent, almost too innocent. Levi had definitely taken a liking to the boy. He was like a breath of fresh air, Levi hadn't ever been around someone who just felt so pure. He was brought out of his thoughts by his phone ringing. He looked at Erwin and Hanji and motioned for them to be quiet and sit down. Levi connected his phone to the speaker in the middle of the table and hit the green button.

Erens First Love
Fanfiction⭐️Top Ranking⭐️ #1 in leviXeren (#1 bottomeren)(#1 toplevi)(#16riren) (#1 Ereri) I'm completely blown away thank you all so much for your support. I truly never thought I would rank in anyway. One's a small shy boy who does everything he can to go...