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It has been six years after save  gravity falls for weirdmageddon and destroy Bill. But after all that everything started to change between me and my sister... After we left gravity falls and went back home and started high school and that's when everything changed, me and Mabel drifted apart bit by bit.

I normally sit in the library read books by myself, Because I  don't really have any friends to talk to, well mabel hangs around with her friends.Mabel slowly become selfish and a mean person she always lied about everything she does, and blame it on me. Even if I didn't do anything, and our parents believe her lies all the time and I always get punished for the lies she told.

And now we are on our way to gravity falls to see grunkle stan and Uncle Ford and everyone else I am so excited to see them again
"Hey Dipper"Mabel call to me while turning around in her seat to face me.
"Y-yes mabel"I answered
"if you tell any of them what happened back home you won't like what I will do to you got that"she said to me.
"Yes"I replied back to her.
"Good, we won't have any problems then"she said well turning back around and sitting back down.

She always treated me like this even at school she bullied me all the time sometimes I come back home with bruises, she will always ask me why I was born stuff like that, it hurts like hell to know the  person you care for treat you like that.

When we made it to gravity falls me and Mabel got off the bus and we saw everyone there waiting for us. We wave to them and start walking over, I was about to talk to them but they walk right past me and hugs Mabel, I was shocked that they walk right past me and didn't say anything or even looked at me and go straight to Mabel.

I just start walking toward the mystery shark alone because I already know where it was, when I got there I went inside and put down my bags near the stairs and went back outside into Forest, I went very far in the forest where they can't see me, till I saw a lake with a little falls with many flowers around it's beautiful. I sat down in the grass and start reading the journals.

When I was finished journal number one I took up journal number two when I open it to start reading a heavy breeze start blowing flipped the page right to the dream demon or Bill Cipher it send shiver down my spine. I got up from where I was and went to see if Bill statue was still there, when I arrive the statue was still there with his hands held out wanting someone to shake it.

I went closer didn't know what I was thinking but I chose to shake its hand I didn't know why but I felt like it, till I cut my finger on the statue by accident "motherfucker" I said after cutting my finger on the statue. after I realized I did that I left and went back to the shack.

When I wanted in the shack I saw everyone, by the looks of it they didn't realize I was gone I close the door of the shack and went over to them"hey"i said to them.
They all turn around looking at me, they asked who are you I was shocked.
"It's me Dipper, Dipper Pines" I said them.
Look on their faces like they were shocked.
"Dipper that's really you look like a girl, but it's cute"Wendy said to me.

"Thanks Wendy"I said smiling at her
"I told you should cut your hair your already have a feminine body" Mapel said.
"Wow Mapel nothing is not wrong with his look"Wendy said
"So that's really Dipper"Uncle Ford said asking Mabel.
"Yes it is"she said in annoyed voice.

They all stared at me in a weird way except Wendy.I feel insecure about myself till I heard"why the hell does he look like a girl right now I thought you look more like a man, this is very disappointed"grunkle stan said.

"Hey nothing is wrong with how he looks right now he can even become a model if he want to"Wendy said in a angry tone.
I look down on the floor a shame but my own family say I'm a disappointment because I look a certain way
"where's my room"I ask.
Once they told me where my room wants, I head upstairs and open the door to my room and went in and closed it behind me. I laid down on my bed till I heard.
"hello pinetree~"
When I set up and turn around I saw him

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