Let's Get You Home

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*Bill POV*

When pinetree tree said that I started to blush and I heard it giggling from my sister and from icebag I look behind me and saw that ice-bag and my sister are videoing the whole event going down. I glared at them and my sister said.
"What?" She asked.

"This isn't funny"I said.
"Bro chill not like Dipper going to punch her"ice-bag said.
Before I could say anything more I heard pinetree shout so I look back around and saw pinetree run up to shooting star and punched her.
"Dipper NO!" I heard ice-bag shouting.
I run up to pinetree grab him and throw him over my shoulder and got out of the VIP room leave shooting star and her friends.
"Put me down Bill!"pinetree shouted.
" No we are getting you home" I said.
"Why because I punch the slut" he ask.
"No I don't care if you kill her, the reason why I'm carrying you home because you're too drunk and high on top of it"I said.
"Grr fine" he said.

When we got out of the club with pine tree still over my shoulder I turned around and ice-bag and my sister was still videoing, I was too tired to tell them to turn off the phone so I just told them to get in the limo they giggle and then got into the limo, I set pinetree down in the limo and I got in after.
"That was so funny"my sister said.
"Yeah I didn't see that one coming" ice-bag said while laughing.
"Ice-bag you told me he doesn't fight"I said.
"Well when he was here to last time he was so shy and soft, and didn't expect him to just punch her like that"she said still laughing.

"Are you guys talking about that bitch again"pinetree said.
" It's okay pinetree try to sleep we will get you home"I said.
"Do you know where I live" he ask.
"Yes I do so close your eyes and sleep"I said.
He close his eyes and went to sleep, my sister and ice bag are still talking and still watching the video over and over and laughing I just sighed and look out the window of the limo.

*Pacifica POV*

After Dipper and his friends left I run over Mabel who was on the floor covering one of her eye in pain of her brother punching her in the eye.
"Mabel are you all right!?"I ask.
"No my eye is hurting me"she said.
"Well you got punched in the eye by your brother"Candy said.
"Yeah the same brother you told us that was weak and Will never hurt anyone"Grenda said.
"This is no time for this let's get Mabel home, so we can talk there"I said.

"Yeah she can't stay here in club with a black eye it little too embarrassing"Candy said.
After candy said that we help her off the floor she covered her eye with her hand we walk through the crowd of people in the club and head outside of the club.
We got into my car and drove Mabel back home when we got to the mystery shack and I open the door to see her too grunkle in the living room on the couch watching TV.
"Oh my God" one of the grunkle said.
"What happened who gave you a black eye"stan said.
"Well it's a long story"Mabel said.
"all right sit down on the sofa get, I will get a ice-bag and come back"Ford said leaving the room to the kitchen and then came back with the ice-pack.

"Okay here you go rest this over eye do not remove it"he said.
"So what happened"they ask.
"Well it started like this-"I started explain how the event begun and only escalated with Mabel and Dipper and been there explaining about 30 minutes or so and I was finished explaining what happened they were furious.
"So you're telling me that Mason Dipper Pines hit his own sister in the face"Stan ask.
"Yes"I said.

"So where is Dipper now" he ask.
"I don't know only thing I know he left the club with Wendy and the blondes" I said.
"So he chose to run off of with Wendy and two unknown person" Ford ask.

"Yes"I said.
His told us that we should get some rest they will deal with it in the morning so I help mabel of the sofa with candy and Grenda and I head upstairs and got change and went to bed.

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